extend,动词,意思是:扩大、扩展以使某物更大更长,使某事持续更长的时间,使某物伸展开,使延续,给予或提供某物给某人(正式说法),影响到某人或某物,使某人能够发挥全部的才能 。
extend 扩大、延伸
d变s的更多例子还有:invasion, pension, explosive, etc.
ion,常见的名词后缀,更多例子还有:proposition, malfunction, deregulation, etc.
为了使某物更大更长的动作,伸展、延续的事实,共享一个电话号码的分机,电话号码不同但连接同一个总机的电话分机(比如说公司用的),文件的扩展名(比如word文档是doc/docx,音乐是mp3之类的),为了使头发更长而添加的一段假发(注意是为了更长而加入的一段假发,其他类型有不一样的单词),房子或其他建筑物的扩建部分(英式用法,美式英语用addition) 。extension还可以做形容词,意思是:
扩展性的(用来形容学生作业,为了支持学生学习而在基础作业之外布置的更难的任务,只可用在名词前) 。也可以指学院或大学对校外学生提供课程的(美式用法,英式用extramural) 。虽然意思比较多,其实都是扩充,所以记住extend的扩展意思就好~
造句:Our teacher asked us to do an extension activity.
Our teacher asked us to do an extension activity.
Hi, My phone number is xxx-xxxxxxx and the extension number is 9421.
Hi, My phone number is xxx-xxxxxxx and the extension number is 9421.
Extension的英文解释:the fact of reaching, stretching, or continuing; the act of adding to something in order to make it bigger or longerany of two or more phones in the same house that share the same number, or any of a number of phones connected to a switchboard in a large building such as an officethe last part of the name of a computer file, which comes after a (.) and shows what type of file it is(also hair extension) a long piece of hair that is added to a person&39;s own hair in order to make the hair longer(US addition) UK a new part added to a house or other buildingintended to support students&39; learning by making them try different or more difficult things in addition to their basic work(UK extramural) US offered by a university to people who are not studying for a degree there
invasion什么意思 pension什么意思 mansion什么意思 expressive什么意思
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