网络by是什么含义 网络上BY是什么意思 东北骂人by是什么玩意

with 的词性只有介词,而 by 的词性可以是介词或副词,那么它们作为介词在主语语态和被动语态中有什么区别?

一、with 作为介词有很多中意思,而且主要用于主动句中,例如:


Gabriel came with her elder sister to the inauguration ceremony.
加布里埃尔和她姐姐一起参加了就职典礼 。

He entered the classroom with the good news.
他带着这个好消息走进教室 。


She bought a white blouse with black stripes.
她买了一件黑色条纹的白衬衫 。

He looked at her with a hurt expression.
他带着受伤害的神情看着她 。


Be careful with this knife when cutting onions.
切洋葱时小心这把刀 。

Please fill this bowl with salt water before you leave.
离开前请把这碗水加满盐水 。


He often has fights with his siblings.
他经常和他的兄弟姐妹吵架 。

I had an argument with my boss.
我跟老板吵了一架 。


The angry neighbour hit the barking dog with a stick.
愤怒的邻居用棍子打那只吠叫的狗 。

He blushed with excitement after seeing her.
他见到她后激动得脸红 。

二、by 作为介词也有很多意思,而且主要用于被动语句中,例如:


Elizabeth was standing by the window when Darcy rushed to meet her.
伊丽莎白正站在窗前,达西冲过去迎接她 。

She expected him to stand by her in all good and bad times.
她希望他在一切好的和坏的时候都支持她 。


She learnt Hindi just by watching Bollywood films.
她只是通过看宝莱坞电影来学习印地语 。

The new flu can be prevented by drinking boiled water
喝开水可以预防新流感 。

解析:在表示方式时,by 后面常跟动词,而 with 后面常跟名词 。


He missed the opportunity by few seconds.
他差几秒钟就错过了机会 。

House prices went up by 10%.
房价上涨了10% 。

在被动句中,by 是一个必要的介词,它指示执行动作的动因 。


【网络by是什么含义 网络上BY是什么意思 东北骂人by是什么玩意】with 大体上描述被陪同或伴有的对象,而 by 大体上描述动因或行动手段,而且在从属句中 with 后面经常跟名词,而 by 后面经常跟动词 。