五四运动的性质特点意义 五四运动的性质 五四前新文化的性质

“101年后的今天,如果华盛顿还有人想在疫情问题上对中国甩锅、推责,霸凌中国,14亿中国人民绝不答应 。” 5月6日,外交部发言人华春莹霸气回应有人想借疫情打击中国 。
5月6日,在外交部例行采访人员会上,有采访人员提问:美国总统国家安全事务副助理波廷杰4日在弗吉尼亚大学米勒中心发表演讲时称,“五四精神”的继承人是有公民意识的中国公民 。中方对此有何评论?

五四运动的性质特点意义 五四运动的性质 五四前新文化的性质

这位美方官员自认为很了解中国,但从这篇演讲来看,他并不真正了解中国,也不懂什么是五四精神,因为他对中国抱有强烈偏见 。
This US official may think he knows China very well, but as we can see from his remarks, he doesn't really understand China or the May Fourth spirit, because he's strongly biased against China.
他错了,五四运动的性质不是他所谓的“平民主义”运动 。五四运动爆发于中华民族危难之际,是一场彻底的反帝反封建的伟大爱国革命运动 。
Mr. Pottinger was wrong in calling the May Fourth Movement a populist movement. The movement is a great patriotic revolution against imperialism and feudalism at a crucial moment for the Chinese nation.
五四精神的核心是爱国主义 。爱国主义流淌在中华民族血脉当中 。当代五四精神真正的继承人是具有爱国主义精神的中国公民 。
Patriotism is at its very core. And patriotism runs in the veins of the Chinese nation. The true heirs of the movement today is Chinese citizens with a patriotic heart.
五四运动的性质特点意义 五四运动的性质 五四前新文化的性质

新的历史时期,继承和发扬五四精神就是为建设社会主义现代化强国、实现中华民族伟大复兴而奋斗,这才是当代中国人真正的公民意识 。面对新冠肺炎疫情,中国人民同舟共济,众志成城,不畏艰险,自强不息,取得了疫情防控阻击战的重大战略成果,这才是五四精神在当代最生动的体现 。
In this new era, carrying forth the May Fourth spirit means working for the building of a strong modern socialist country and realizing the great renewal of the Chinese nation. That is what being true civil-minded citizens means today. In the face of COVID-19, the Chinese people, united as one, fought a hard battle with extraordinary courage and perseverance, securing major success in containing the virus. This is the most vivid illustration of the May Fourth spirit.
他忘了,五四运动的导火索是一战后巴黎和会上,外国列强之间拿他们在中国领土上的特权私相授受,中国人民绝不接受丧权辱国 。101年后的今天,如果华盛顿还有人想在疫情问题上对中国甩锅、推责,霸凌中国,14亿中国人民绝不答应,我想李文亮医生的在天之灵也绝不会答应 。
Perhaps Mr. Pottinger forgot what triggered the May Fourth Movement. It was because foreign powers were trading their privileges in Chinese territory at the Peace Conference in Paris after World War I, and the Chinese people would never accept such loss of rights and national humiliation. Today, 101 years from then, if there are still people in Washington who want to act like bullies and pin the blame on China to get away with their poor handling of COVID-19, the 1.4 billion Chinese people will never allow it. The late Dr. Li Wenliang would never allow it.
我们奉劝美国官员还是好好了解中国的历史,还是多管管美国自己的事情 。
【五四运动的性质特点意义 五四运动的性质 五四前新文化的性质】We advise US officials to learn more about Chinese history and mind their own business.