


试讲的时候应该先了解讲课的内容 , 讲课时面向观众 , 这时候你要把自己当成一名讲课多年的老师 , 在讲台上讲课要有激情 , 如果抑扬不足 , 起码声音要大 。普通话标准、语速避免太快 , 要求掷地有声 , 在讲台上要有台风 。讲课的时候可以适当的运用肢体语言 , 对部分内容进行注解(这需要你在黑板上写字) 。
讲课的时候注意语速 , 不慢不急 , 掌控好时间 。
讲完后 , 在面试官时要表现的大方 , 不要太拘禁 , 给人留下稳重的印象 。

专业知识包括中学物理知识(初高中)和教育学的知识 , 比例为物理知识百分之八十 , 教育学知识百分之二十!

Good morning,everyone.(加2-4句自我介绍) I am glad to interpret my lesson here today. The lesson plan I am going to talk about is from BOOK1 unit 7 What Does He Look Like ? .Now, I will present it from seven parts.
Part 1 .Analysis of Teaching Material
Unit 7 What Does He Look Like is a dialogue lesson (reading, listening , revision ) including two parts section A and B. It focused in the topic of````` , purpose```` 。
Parts 2.Teaching GoalsIn this part , there are three purposes we need to achieve
Firstly , knowledge objects:to master key words and phrases / go over / enhance
secondly, ability objects :to develop ss’ ability of listening and speaking skills
to train the s ability of working in group
to foster s abilities of communication and their innovation
to train the students to express/to solve
lastly , emotional objects:to foster students’ consciousness of good corporation and proper competition
to lead students to show their loveliness to the poor
to arouse their interest in learning English
to help them to understand the background of ```
to be aware of the important of / to encourage the students to do something to ````
Part 3. Key Points and Difficult Points
For one thing , I will talk about key points of this lesson :
to master new words and phrases / to improve their reading skills
to understand the sentence patter : if-clause
After I will say something about difficult points:
to develop their communicative
Part 4.Analysis of Students
These students who have come into middle school recently. They are exposed to English for the first time ,so it is very important to develop their keen interest in English . It is necessary to use assistant teaching methods to arouse their attention 。Therefore , it need to introduce the
Part 5 Teaching Methods
As we all know ,the main instruction aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate students’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language . So in this lesson I will mainly use “task -based language teaching” method .That is to say , I will let the students learn in real situations to finish a task by making activities such as singing , guessing game, having a competition and so on . Meanwhile, tape recorder, multi-media computer and pictures will be needed.
Part 6.Teaching ProceduresI’ll finish this lesson in six steps.
step 1 Review and Warm-up
①.show some picture of people or other thing to revise the words they have learned