本篇是 fork from . 这个韩国人参考了 thispaper. 然后不停的 ,都有论文下载链接,部分有实现代码供参考,可以说很全面的包含了基于深度学习的目标检测算法,需要查看论文的时候随时下载 , 感谢 。
更新到: 2019/01/14
paper list from 2014 to now(2019)
【Deep Learning object detection (2014】The partwith redmeansthat i think “must-read”.
, it is myand otheraretoo, so Ito read them if you have time.
FPS(Speed) index isto thespec(e.g. CPU, GPU, RAM, etc), so it is hard to make an equal . Theis totheof allonwith, but it is veryand time .
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