
warble 基本解释
warble 相关例句
1. The brook warbled over its rocky bed.
小溪潺潺流过多石的河床 。
2. Larks were warbling high up in the sky.
云雀在高空鸣唱 。
warble 网络解释
1. 鸟叫,禽鸣:rifle 来复枪, 步枪 | warble 鸟叫,禽鸣 | marble 大理石
2. 颤音:war neurosis 战争神经症 | warble 颤音 | warble technique 颤音技术
3. 鸟鸣:war-horse 军马 | warble 鸟鸣 | warbler 鸣鸟
4. 牛皮蝇幼虫:wandering cell 游走细胞 | warble 牛皮蝇幼虫 | warble fly disease of cattle 牛皮下蝇蛆病
warble 双语例句
1. warble的近义词
1. O how shall I warble myself for the dead one there I loved?
2. Several layers of sounds competed for available airwaves: the high-pitched warble of the latest J-Pop anthems; a distorted entreaty, relayed by megaphone, to partake of an unmissable discount on panty-hose; competing storefront jingles advertising cakes, CDs, and takoyaki fried octopus balls; and, wafting from Shochiku-za, the accelerating clatter of wooden blocks that is the trademark sound of kabuki.
不同层次的声音争夺着有限的波段:来自最新日本流行乐的高音调颤声;大喇叭恳请大家不要错过女式连裤袜的打折销售,要赶快抢购;不同商店的音乐相互竞争着,宣传着自己的商品:蛋糕、CD光盘、章鱼小丸子;还有从松竹座那里传来的招牌式歌舞伎声音——急促的木屐声 。
3. It consisted in a peculiar bird-like turn, a sort of liquid warble, produced by touching the tongue to the roof of the mouth at short intervals in the midst of the music -- the reader probably remembers how to do it, if he has ever been a boy.
每隔短暂的时间就把舌头顶在嘴的上部就会产生特有的鸟儿似的婉转,一种流畅的鸟儿鸣叫声组成的音乐,如果读懂音乐的也有快乐的童年的话,可能就会记得怎样去做它 。
4. A warble for joy of lilac-time, returning in reminiscence.
5. A flutter ing or tremulous sound, as that made by certain birds; a warble.
6. From outside came the high warble of approaching sirens, still too far off.
从外面被提出接近女海妖的高鸟啭,仍然太远走开 。
7. Warble For Lilac-Time 为丁香花季节而歌唱 Warble me now for joy of lilac-time, Sort me O tongue and lips for Nature's sake, souvenirs of earliest summer, Gather the welcome signs, (as children with pebbles or stringing shells, ) Put in April and May, the hylas croaking in the ponds, the elastic air, Bees, butterflies, the sparrow with its simple notes, Blue bird and darting swallow, nor forget the high-hole flashing his golden wings, The tranquil sunny haze, the clinging smoke, the vapor, Shimmer of waters with fish in them, the cerulean above, All that is jocund and sparkling, the brooks running, The maple woods, the crisp February days and the sugar-making, The robin where he hops, bright-eyed, brown-breasted, With musical clear call at sunrise, and again at sunset, Or flitting among the trees of the apple-orchard, building the nest of his mate, The melted snow of March, the willow sending forth its yellow-green sprouts, For spring-time is here!