
emotion 基本解释
名词情绪; 情感,感情; 感动,激动
emotion 相关例句
1. emotion在线翻译
1. Love, hatred, and grief are emotions.
爱,恨和悲都是情感 。
2. Love, hatred, and grief are emotion.
爱、恨、悲伤都是感情 。
3. emotion
3. His voice shook with emotion.
他的声音因激动而颤抖 。
emotion 网络解释
1. 表情符号:就这么简单,偶也没时间深究为啥这样改.......改了之后头像和表情符号(EMOTION)都正常了.
emotion 双语例句
1. But at this moment, I am deeply in love is only front these wisp of fragrancescongeals, several point light, that share has contained the very long emotion in the moral nature, in this winter, when some strolls in the snow seeks the plum, finally has heard the nature elusive sound sound.
而此刻,我所钟情的只是面前的这几缕香凝,几分清淡,那份在心底蕴藏了很久情感,在这个冬天,在某个踏雪寻梅之时,终于听到了大自然空灵的音籁 。
2. emotion的意思
2. But at this moment, I am deeply in loveis only front these wisp of fragrances congeals, several pointlight, that share has contained the very long emotion in the moralnature, in this winter, when some strolls in the snow seeks theplum, finally has heard the nature elusive sound sound.
而此刻,我所钟情的只是面前的这几缕香凝,几分清淡,那份在心底蕴藏了很久情感,在这个冬天,在某个踏雪寻梅之时,终于听到了大自然空灵的音籁 。
3. I am going to erase your emotion towards him. You won't feel pain any more...
4. emotion的解释
4. Also has a lot of emotion...
也有好多的感慨 。。。
5. His voice was tense, a ripple of emotion flowing through it.
他的声音是时态,一阵流动过它的情绪涟波 。
6. Some tremble with emotion, a light smile, lightly and quietly.
一丝微颤,一抹微笑,轻轻的、淡淡的 。。。。。。
7. At the end of the paper, it is emphasized that the sentiment of Yu Da-fu is not his personal emotion, but reaches a higher lever than some European authors which is correlated tightly with the nation and the times.
同时也指出他的感伤并不是单纯地模仿欧洲文学,而是拥有自身的特点,并于文章最后强调,郁达夫的悲怀绝不是他一个人的固有私情,他有超出某些欧洲作家的高度,那就是与民族、时代紧密相联 。
8. At present, the teaching of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities chokes the heart of students, for lacking poetry, attaching importance to lecture of theory, looking down on edification of emotion.
笔者从教材文本的审美性挖掘、教学语言的雅化性追求、主体体验教学法的尝试等方面进行了诗意化教学的探索,以期放飞大学生闭锁枯寂的心灵,实现大学生的精神成人 。
9. emotion
9. Shin:(knocks the table once and looks at Doug and Xue) Elder brother capitalized on my emotion to him to fling me away just for a chance to intercept you!
10. Haizi's expression of emotion is closely related with blood, which is deeply rooted in the tradition of ancient Chinese literature and represents one of the highest achievements of contemporary poetry.
海子的抒情是一种血态抒情,其深深植根于中国古代抒情言志的传统中,是当代诗歌抒情的最高成就之一 。
11. Rock with its bold form of a flexible and passionate musical rhythm to express emotion, by the world's young people.
摇滚乐以其灵活大胆的表现形式和富有激情的音乐节奏表达情感,受到了全世界年轻人的喜爱 。