

直系亲属关系证明格式1直系亲属关系证明格式共有三部分,包括标题、正文、署名与日期 。
1、标题:可直接以直系亲属关系证明为题 。
2、正文:分三段,第一段包括证明人姓名、性别、出生年月、住址、身份证号码、死亡日期、直系亲属人数及姓名 。第二段需填写父母的相关信息 。第三段需填写配偶及子女的信息 。
3、署名及日期:在文本的右下角,需盖上当地派出所、当地居委员会的公章、日期,以此证明即可 。
外国人如何证明与中国籍亲属关系2Recently,many foreign friends ask what kind of materials can be used to provetheir relationship with Chinese nationals when they apply for anentry visa to visit relatives or change their visa to a reunion visain China?
Howcan foreigners prove their kinship with their immediate familymembers of Chinese nationality? What certificates can be used forhandling?
Birthcertificate (notarization of relationship): the birth certificate canbe used by foreigners to prove their kinship when they apply for afamily visit visa, a residence permit for family reunion, a greencard for parents and children, a travel permit and a registeredpermanent residence at home and abroad through their Chineseimmediate family members (such as parents, children, parents in law,parents in law, grandparents, etc.). Overseas birth certificates and/ or relationship certificates can be used in China only after theyare certified by the Embassy at Level 3.
出生证明(关系公证):出生纸可用于外籍人士在境内外通过中国籍直系亲属(如父母、子女、家公家婆、岳父岳母、爷爷奶奶、外公外婆等),在**探亲签证、团聚居留许可、亲子类绿卡、旅行证以及上户口的时候,证明其亲属关系 。而海外的出生纸/或者关系证明则需进行大使馆三级认证才能在国内使用 。
Specificuses of birth paper
1.For registered permanent residence: the citizenship system implementsthe principle of landing. Babies born abroad automatically recognizeforeign citizens, and children who have not yet joined foreignnationality can return home and settle down
2.For school: in China, children need to provide birth certificates togo to school
3.For visa extension: for children returning home to visit theirrelatives for tourism, etc., when the visa expires, the birthcertificate is required for visa extension
4.Used for one-time entry-exit pass
5.It is used to apply for foster care and foster the child in the homeof relatives and friends in China. It is necessary to provide a birthcertificate (the following takes the United States as an example)
Threesteps for notarization and certification of overseas birthcertificate
Step1: entrust a local notary to notarize the birth certificate
Step2: send the notarized documents to the U.S. Secretary of state andthe Ministry of foreign affairs for authentication
Step3: send the documents to the Chinese Embassy and consulate in theUnited States for certification
Allprocedures for overseas birth certificate certification are verifiedat the place of birth. If the person is in China, and the personconcerned is not familiar with the handling organization and thespecific procedures, the normal use of the documents will be delayed.In addition, if the person handles it in person, the acceptance timewill be delayed.
海外出生证认证所有手续都在出生地进行认证,如果人在国内,当事人又不熟悉**机构,以及**的具体手续,导致**出错等都会耽误文件正常使用,此外个人亲自**,受理时间将会延搁 。
Itis suggested that the applicant may entrust a professionalinstitution to handle the application, so as to avoid that thedocuments handled do not meet the certification requirements requiredat the time of application. At present, the cycle of embassycertification is expected to be 6-8 weeks.