uove是什么意思|uove的音标|uove的用法( 三 )

从最新房产交易数据显示,我市今年前9个月的二手房市场交易达到5450宗、成交面积95.37万平方米、成交金额11.18亿元,已超出了一手房成交量 。
12. The results show that in September this year, ~ 1, the main city in our city real estate transactions an average price of 2313 yuan/sq m, representing 14.9 percent increase over the same period the previous year, of which an average price of residential turnover 2135 yuan/sq m, up 16.2 percent.
结果表明,在今年9月,1,主要城市的城市房地产交易的平均价格二千三百十三元/平方米,相当于9月14日增长了百分之与去年同期相比,其中住宅平均价格营业额二一三五元/平方米,增长百分之十六点二 。
13. turnover的翻译
13. The decomposition data fitted a double exponential first-order decay model, which suggests that the DOC was comprised of tow fractions: a rapidly decomposable fraction with a turnover time of 1 day and a slowly decomposable fraction with a turnover time of about 400 days.
棕壤溶解性有机碳分别由降解速率不同的两个库组成:周转时间在1d的易分解部分和周转时间大约为400d的难分解部分 。
14. The original preferential policies on turnover tax enjoyed by welfare enterprises are still retained, the method of preceding tax refunding with tax collection adopted by tax authorities refers to domestically funded welfare enterprises which enjoy preferential turnover tax treatment, not applicable to enterprise with foreign investment, as set down in the Document of the State Administration of Taxation Coded Guo Shui Fa [1990] No.
原福利企业享受的流转税优惠政策仍然保留,由税务机关采取先征税后退还的办法,是指根据国家税务总局国税发[1990]127号文件的规定享受流转税优惠的内资福利企业,不适用外商投资企业 。
15. After investigating the evolving of tax systems in the world and the rising of income tax in developed countries, the author suggested the way to optimizing Chinese tax revenue structure is to set up a two-main-body tax system with turnover tax and income tax. The conceived outline is to augment the income taxation, to adjust the comparative proportion between turnover tax and income tax, and hence to change the distorted tax system and set up a two-main-body one, in which turnover tax and income tax can function congenially and complementally.
在分析成因、指出弊端和改革必要性后,本文通过对税制演变的规律总结和发达国家所得税上升为主体税种的过程考察,提出优化我国税种收入结构的方向是建立双主体税种结构,总体思路是在稳定流转税收入的情况下,增加所得税的规模及在税收收入中的比重,以动态的方式改善商品流转税和所得税的相对比例,改变我国税种收入结构失衡、税制功能扭曲的现状,构建一个流转税和所得税结构协调、功能互补的双主体税种结构 。
16. After investigating the evolving of tax systems in the world and the rising of income tax in developed countries, the author suggested the way to optimizing Chinese tax revenue structure is to set up a two-main-body tax system with turnover tax and income tax. The conceived outline is to augment the incom e taxation, to adjust the comparative proportion between turnover tax and income tax, and hence to change the distorted tax system and set up a two-main-body one, in which turnover tax and income tax can function congenially and complementally.
在分析成因、指出弊端和改革必要性后,本文通过对税制演变的规律总结和发达国家所得税上升为主体税种的过程考察,提出优化我国税种收入结构的方向是建立双主体税种结构,总体思路是在稳定流转税收入的情况下,增加所得税的规模及在税收收入中的比重,以动态的方式改善商品流转税和所得税的相对比例,改变我国税种收入结构失衡、税制功能扭曲的现状,构建一个流转税和所得税结构协调、功能互补的双主体税种结构 。