several相当于什么 several several和a few

教育部宣布,将采取一系列政策举措,解决受疫情影响受阻等出国留学生的现实困难 。

several相当于什么 several several和a few

2019年5月,中国留学生参加哥伦比亚大学毕业典礼 。(图片来源:新华社)
【several相当于什么 several several和a few】Given the continuing spread of COVID-19 around the globe, as well as entry, visa and flight restrictions imposed by a number of countries, some Chinese students intending to study abroad have been forced to change, delay or even call off their plans, the Ministry of Education said.教育部指出,受新冠肺炎疫情影响及各国(地)入境、签证、航班等政策限制,部分我国学生赴境外国家和地区留学的计划被迫改变、延迟甚至取消 。
这里的call off就是“取消”的意思,也可以用cancel替换,比如:The football match was cancelled/called off due to bad weather.(足球比赛因为天气原因取消了) 。此外,call off还有“转移、吸引开”等意思,比如:her attention was called off by the arrival of her children(她的注意力被到来的孩子们吸引走了) 。
The ministry has been encouraging international students to finish their courses online as organized by their universities. The policies make it clear that students' alternative learning experience will not affect the authenticity of their college certificates and degrees.合理引导学生按照学校要求在线完成课程,同时明确留学人员受疫情影响无法按时返校而选择通过在线方式修读课程,不作为影响其学历学位认证结果的因素 。
这里的alternative作为形容词表示“有别于传统的”,平常都是在学校里与老师、同学面对面上课,疫情期间大家都只能通过网络上课,这种上课的体验就是与传统的课堂模式不同的 。此外,在音乐文化领域,alternative通常翻译为“另类的”,用来表示那些与传统音乐流派或文化流派不一样的类型,比如,alternative rock(另类摇滚)、alternative lifestyles(另类的生活方式)等 。Alternative也可以作为名词表示“可供选择的事物”,比如:The menu offered several vegetarian alternatives.(菜单提供了好几种素食选择);the alternative of going by train or by plane(选择坐火车或飞机)等 。
On the premise of ensuring educational equity, the ministry will allow a number of existing Chinese mainland-based cooperative educational institutions and programs between China and other countries and between the mainland and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to admit more qualified students.教育部还允许部分中外合作办学机构和项目以及内地(祖国大陆)与港澳台合作办学机构和项目在保证教育公平的前提下,考核招录部分符合特定条件的出国留学生 。
The enrolment is meant for students who have already been admitted to universities overseas and planned to pursue an undergraduate or postgraduate degree starting this fall semester, according to the ministry.
已持有境外大学录取通知书、原计划于2020年秋季学期攻读境外高校本科或硕博士研究生的中国内地(大陆)籍学生符合基本报名条件 。
About 90 joint degree programs in 19 provincial-level regions, including Beijing, Zhejiang and Guangdong, will be made available.
参与此次中外合作办学扩招的有北京、浙江、广东等19个省市的约90个中外合作办学以及内地(祖国大陆)与港澳台地区合作办学机构和项目 。
此项招生不纳入国家统一招生计划,不占用高校原有招生指标,对高校其他各类招生不产生影响 。
Meanwhile, the ministry will guide the communication between the Chinese embassies and consulates with the education departments and universities in the host countries to address the concerns of Chinese students.驻外使领馆教育部门积极与驻在国教育部门和高校联系,敦促其妥善解决我留学人员学业受阻问题 。
教育公平 educational equity
留学签证 student visa
海外分校 foreign branch campuses
留学目的地 destinations of foreign students
人文交流 people-to-people exchanges
访问学者 visiting scholar
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)