cricket beetle

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cricket beetle


↑↑↑点击播放 , 第一遍:Now Feifei, I hope you appreciate me bringing you to this typical English cricket match.
现在 , 菲菲 , 我希望你能喜欢我带你来这个英国特色的板球比赛 。
Cricket is not really my sport but…yes Rob, it&39;s wonderful.
板球并不是我爱的运动但是……是的罗伯 , 这太棒了 。
Such an exciting game! I love cricket, especially when a goal is scored.
好激动人心的比赛啊!我喜欢板球 , 特别是得分的时候 。
Err… that&39;s in football Feifei.
额……这不是足球菲菲 。
Oh yes, of course, I knew that. I am really quite an expert on cricket, you know.
哦是的 , 当然了 , 我知道 。跟你说 , 我真的是板球的专家 。
Really? So what do we call that man over there who&39;s throwing the ball?
That&39;s easy... it&39;s the... errr... hmmm...
That&39;s stumped you!
Stumped! That&39;s a word they use in cricket... isn&39;t it?
难住!这是板球里的用词 , 不是吗?
Well, it is - when the ball hits the stumps - that&39;s the three sticks that the batsman stands in front of - the batsman is stumped.
是的 , 当球击到击球手前面的三根木棍组成的门柱 , 那么击球手就被困住了 。
But the word stumped has another meaning: It means you can&39;t answer a question or you don&39;t know how to solve a problem.
但是这个词还有另外的意思:它的意思是你回答不上问题或你不知道如何解决一个难题 。
I see. So it means you&39;re stuck and don&39;t know what to say or do.
我懂了 。所以它的意思是你被困住而且不知道怎么说或怎么做 。
Well, it&39;s true Rob, your question has &39;stumped&39; me!
那么是的罗伯 , 你的问题难住我了!
第二遍 , 请跟读:Now Feifei, I hope you appreciate me bringing you to this typical English cricket match.
现在 , 菲菲 , 我希望你能喜欢我带你来这个英国特色的板球比赛 。
Cricket is not really my sport but…yes Rob, it&39;s wonderful.
板球并不是我爱的运动但是……是的罗伯 , 这太棒了 。
Such an exciting game! I love cricket, especially when a goal is scored.
好激动人心的比赛啊!我喜欢板球 , 特别是得分的时候 。
Err… that&39;s in football Feifei.
额……这不是足球菲菲 。
Oh yes, of course, I knew that. I am really quite an expert on cricket, you know.
哦是的 , 当然了 , 我知道 。跟你说 , 我真的是板球的专家 。
Really? So what do we call that man over there who&39;s throwing the ball?
That&39;s easy... it&39;s the... errr... hmmm...
That&39;s stumped you!
Stumped! That&39;s a word they use in cricket... isn&39;t it?
难住!这是板球里的用词 , 不是吗?
Well, it is - when the ball hits the stumps - that&39;s the three sticks that the batsman stands in front of - the batsman is stumped.
是的 , 当球击到击球手前面的三根木棍组成的门柱 , 那么击球手就被困住了 。
But the word stumped has another meaning: It means you can&39;t answer a question or you don&39;t know how to solve a problem.
但是这个词还有另外的意思:它的意思是你回答不上问题或你不知道如何解决一个难题 。
I see. So it means you&39;re stuck and don&39;t know what to say or do.
我懂了 。所以它的意思是你被困住而且不知道怎么说或怎么做 。
Well, it&39;s true Rob, your question has &39;stumped&39; me!
那么是的罗伯 , 你的问题难住我了!
明天继续 , 早上7:00 , 不见不散 。
课程的难度会随着更新逐渐增加 , 新同学建议从第1课开始 , 循序渐进 。
【cricket beetle】零食英语小对话「第一季共87课」