open是什么意思open en什么意思 open是什么意思 open形容人是什么意思

She had difficulty keeping her eyes open (= because she was very tired) .
她连睁开眼睛的力气都没有了 。
He was breathing through his open mouth.
他张着嘴呼吸 。
此时形容词open反义词: closed
He was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes __________.
A. open B. opening C. opened D. to open
此题应选A 。容易误选B 。主要是受 keep...doing 这一常用句式的影响 。
做好本题的关键是要分清:open 表示“开”这一意义时 , 是形容词还是动词 。

1. open用作形容词时 , 表示状态 , 意为“开着的” 。如:
His eyes were wide open. 他的眼睛睁得大大的 。
She had left the door wide open .
她把房门敞开着 。
The pass is kept open all the year.
通道一年到头畅通无阻 。
The shop isn’t open today. 商店今天不开门 。
He was quite open about his reasons for leaving.
他对离开的原因完全未加隐瞒 。
He had always been open with her and she always felt she would know if he lied
他对她总是坦诚相待 , 她也一直觉得如果他说谎 , 自己一定能察觉 。

I&39;m a very open person.
我这个人非常坦诚直率 。
2. open用作动词时 , 表示动作 , 意为“开” 。如:
She opened her arms and gave me a big hug.
她张开双臂 , 紧紧地拥抱了我 。
Open your mouth and say &34;ah&34;. 张开嘴说“啊” 。
Please open the window. 请打开窗户 。
What if the parachute doesn&39;t open?
The flowers are starting to open.
花开始绽放了 。
open用作动词 , 是终止性动词 , 通常不能用来表示“开”这一动作的持续 。如 。如:
这门打开已有一周了 。
正:The door has been open for a week.
误:The door has been opened for a week.
晚上让窗户开着 。
正:Keep the window open at night.
误:Keep the window opening at night.
keep sb(sth) doing sth.使某人或某物不定地做某事(动作之间稍有间隔)

通过以上分析 , 我们可以清楚地知道:上面一题应用, 而不能用keep...opening, 其道理已很显然 。假若我们要用keep...opening, 那其实就是要使open 这一终止性动作不断地反复发生 , 这显然是荒唐可笑的 。
keep one’s ears/eyes open (for sth)
to be quick to notice or hear things

open是什么意思open en什么意思 open是什么意思 open形容人是什么意思

【open是什么意思open en什么意思 open是什么意思 open形容人是什么意思】