


此图 出自韩国短片《闹钟》又名:那年我们二十七八岁
旭日初升,温暖的阳光穿过窗户照进屋内,新的一天再次到来 。书架上摆放的音响,在设定好的时间放出音乐 。嗜睡的男青年将其按停,而手机得闹铃又再次响起 。按停手机后,床对面桌子上的闹钟也大声聒噪起来 。睡眠的力量真是强大,任凭闹铃震耳欲聋,青年始终不为所动 。忍无可忍时则跳出来按停所有闹铃,继续回床安睡 。
好不容易爬起床来,仍是睡眼惺忪模样 。刷牙、洗脸、吃早餐,一切按部就班,遵照闹铃的指使行事,整个人就如同机器一般,彻底失去了个性……
楼下如有雷同 纯属复制粘贴 楼主明鉴~还请楼主注意回答时间
一首英文歌 两个女孩 穿着毛绒绒睡衣 草地派对的感觉 坐在绿色充气沙发上 高潮部分重复着hey

I wanna be immortal
Like a god in the sky
I wanna be a silk flower
Like i'm never gonna die
I wanna live forever
Forever in your heart
And we'll always be together
From the end to the start
That's what we do it for
To reserve a place
It's just another part of the human race
That's what we do it for
To reserve a space
In history it's just
Part of the human race
I'm forever chasing after time
But everybody dies dies
If i could buy forever at a price
I would buy it twice twice
But if the earth ends in fire
And the seas are frozen in time
There'll be just one survivor
The memory that i was yours and you were mine
Everybody dies dies
Chasing after time time
When you love somebody
They'll always leave too soon
But a memory a memory
Can make a flower bloom
We wanna be remembered
Don't wanna live in vein
But nothing lasts forever
This world is in a losing game
I wanna mean something to somebody else
Feel a significance in the real world
It's not enough to live out a lucky life
I'm forever chasing after time
But everybody dies dies
If i could buy forever at a price
I would buy it twice twice
But if the earth ends in fire
And the seas are frozen in time
There'll be just one survivor
The memory that i was yours and you were mine
Everybody dies dies
Chasing after time time
No i don't wanna be afraid afraid to die die die
I just wanna be able to say that i have lived my life
Life life
Oh all these things humans do
To leave behind a little proof
But the only thing that doesn't die is love
Love love love love
I'm forever chasing after time
But everybody dies dies
If i could buy forever at a price
I would buy it twice twice
But if the earth ends in fire
And the seas are frozen in time
There'll be just one survivor
The memories of our life time
Everybody dies dies
Chasing after time time
So keep me alive
So keep me alive
So keep me alive
【睡衣能坐在沙发上吗,老是梦见在沙发上一个穿红色睡衣的抱腿女人坐在自己的旁边】Immortal - Marina & The Diamonds
有一首韩文歌开头是一个男的坐在沙发上而且斜着的头发很长 很牛逼的歌曲