Camera Hal OEM模块 ---- 3dnr算法流程( 四 )

Line 292840: 06-03 17:36:53.4954677763 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1929, threednr_transfer_frame: get one frame, num 2, 2Line 292841: 06-03 17:36:53.4954677763 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1937, threednr_transfer_frame: fd 0x28 yaddr 0xda19f000Line 292842: 06-03 17:36:53.4964677999 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1030, threadnr_scaler_process: fd 0x28 E. yaddr 0x da19f000 cur_frm: 2Line 292843: 06-03 17:36:53.4964677999 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1074, threadnr_scaler_process: Call the threednr_start_scale().src Y: 0xda19f000, 0x28, dst Y: 0xd21e6000, 0x85Line 292961: 06-03 17:36:53.5924677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 957, threednr_process_thread_proc: CMR_EVT_3DNR_PROCESSLine 292962: 06-03 17:36:53.5924677999 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1124, threadnr_scaler_process: X cur_frm: 2Line 292963: 06-03 17:36:53.5924677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 831, threednr_process_frame: Call the threednr_function() yaddr 0xda19f000 cur_frm: 2 run_type 0 sprd_3dnr_type 8Line 292964: 06-03 17:36:53.5924677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 872, threednr_process_frame: Call the threednr_function().big Y: 0xda19f000, small 0xd21e6000. ,threednr_handle->is_stop 0Line 292965: 06-03 17:36:53.5924677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 879, threednr_process_frame: big_buf.fd=0x28, vaddr=0xda19f000, gpu_buffer.handle 0xe5683a80
Line 292981: 06-03 17:36:53.6014677763 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1929, threednr_transfer_frame: get one frame, num 3, 3Line 292982: 06-03 17:36:53.6014677763 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1937, threednr_transfer_frame: fd 0x2d yaddr 0xd8f0d000Line 292983: 06-03 17:36:53.6014677999 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1030, threadnr_scaler_process: fd 0x2d E. yaddr 0x d8f0d000 cur_frm: 3Line 292985: 06-03 17:36:53.6014677999 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1074, threadnr_scaler_process: Call the threednr_start_scale().src Y: 0xd8f0d000, 0x2d, dst Y: 0xd2024000, 0x87Line 293115: 06-03 17:36:53.6974677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 957, threednr_process_thread_proc: CMR_EVT_3DNR_PROCESSLine 293116: 06-03 17:36:53.6974677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 831, threednr_process_frame: Call the threednr_function() yaddr 0xd8f0d000 cur_frm: 3 run_type 0 sprd_3dnr_type 8Line 293117: 06-03 17:36:53.6974677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 872, threednr_process_frame: Call the threednr_function().big Y: 0xd8f0d000, small 0xd2024000. ,threednr_handle->is_stop 0Line 293118: 06-03 17:36:53.6984677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 879, threednr_process_frame: big_buf.fd=0x2d, vaddr=0xd8f0d000, gpu_buffer.handle 0xe56839d0Line 293119: 06-03 17:36:53.6974677999 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1124, threadnr_scaler_process: X cur_frm: 3
Line 293140: 06-03 17:36:53.7084677763 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1929, threednr_transfer_frame: get one frame, num 4, 4Line 293141: 06-03 17:36:53.7084677763 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1937, threednr_transfer_frame: fd 0x32 yaddr 0xd7c7b000Line 293145: 06-03 17:36:53.7084677999 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1030, threadnr_scaler_process: fd 0x32 E. yaddr 0x d7c7b000 cur_frm: 4Line 293146: 06-03 17:36:53.7084677999 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1074, threadnr_scaler_process: Call the threednr_start_scale().src Y: 0xd7c7b000, 0x32, dst Y: 0xd1e62000, 0x89Line 293235: 06-03 17:36:53.8034677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 957, threednr_process_thread_proc: CMR_EVT_3DNR_PROCESSLine 293236: 06-03 17:36:53.8034677999 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 1124, threadnr_scaler_process: X cur_frm: 4Line 293237: 06-03 17:36:53.8034677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 831, threednr_process_frame: Call the threednr_function() yaddr 0xd7c7b000 cur_frm: 4 run_type 0 sprd_3dnr_type 8Line 293238: 06-03 17:36:53.8034677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 872, threednr_process_frame: Call the threednr_function().big Y: 0xd7c7b000, small 0xd1e62000. ,threednr_handle->is_stop 0Line 293239: 06-03 17:36:53.8034677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 879, threednr_process_frame: big_buf.fd=0x32, vaddr=0xd7c7b000, gpu_buffer.handle 0xe5683240Line 294093: 06-03 17:36:54.5714677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 913, threednr_process_frame: cur_frame 4Line 294094: 06-03 17:36:54.5714677998 D cmr_3dnr_sw: 923, threednr_process_frame: 3dnr process done, addr 0x04160 3120