
doneandis a big part offresh andwith your work.can help you avoid , get rid of , take on more work and make more money.that you haveandgoals that you want toby being more(asto justmore to your to-do list in the hopes ofaway to work),moretasks and your mostevery day can help toansense ofand .
快速高效地完成工作是保持工作新鲜感和活力的重要组成部分 。提高生产力可以帮助您避免精疲力尽,摆脱压力,从事更多工作并赚更多钱 。假设您已制定了要通过提高生产力来实现的可衡量目标(而不是仅将更多工作清单添加到待办事项中,以期希望找到更好的工作方式),完成更多质量最高且最重要的任务每天的优先事项可以帮助培养持续不断的成就感和成就感 。
【提高excel生产力_4种提高生产力的方法】Here are some very , yetways to make smallthat canyourin big ways.
这是一些非常简单但非常有效的方法,可以进行小的更改,从而可以大幅度提高生产率 。
1. Get Up
Youneedsleep in order toat your best, but oneforwith timeandtask lists is to go to bedand get up . This isif you canon quiet earlywork time bya plan laid out the dayfor what you want tothe next .
您显然需要充足的睡眠才能达到最佳状态,但是处理时间限制和大量任务清单的一种选择是早睡早起 。如果您可以通过在前一天为第二天早上要完成的事情制定计划来利用安静的清晨工作时间,则此功能特别有效 。
If you’re not a, trya time later in theafter yourwork hours and after a break when you canaslot of time toaof work.


如果您不是早起的人,请尝试在通常的工作时间之后的傍晚和休息时间安排时间,这样您就可以创建一个集中的时间段来完成可管理的工作量 。
Asas it may be, trysome of the dailythatyour work – e-mail, phone calls, pets, IM,, TV,media sites, and RSS feeds. If you are used to, you may beby how much you can get , even in a shortofwork time.
尽可能地困难,尝试消除一些干扰您工作的日常干扰,例如电子邮件,电话,宠物,即时消息,在线浏览,电视,社交媒体网站和RSS源 。如果您习惯于不时打扰工作,即使在很短的工作时间内,您会获得多少成就,您可能会感到惊讶 。
If you arefrom home with youngin tow,up some, even for a few hours a week.
如果您是在家带小孩的家庭工作,请考虑定期安排托儿服务,即使一周工作几个小时 。
Do you find that you areoff taskyou areabout otheryou need to dothe day? Trydown as soon as you think of them and thenit aside until you have the time to focus on it. This willit doesn’t getandthe stop-and-go in your work flow.
您是否发现自己因为正在考虑白天需要做的其他事情而退出任务? 想到后就尝试写下来,然后放到一边,直到有时间专注于它 。这将确保它不会被遗忘,并防止工作流程中的停停走走 。
3. Get

isway you canyour . You canfromwork time byaandor otherthat let you work on the go. This alsoyou to work fromother than your home, which can be anway toyour .
灵活性是您提高生产率的另一种方式 。通过配备便携式计算机和或其他可让您随时随地工作的设备,您可以从减少的工作时间中受益 。这也使您可以在家以外的地方工作,这是提高生产力的有效方法 。
4. Get Rid of
Take anlook at your task list. How much of it is? Sort your to-do’s by theso you know the mostyou need to do each day. If you find that there are a few tasks that keepput off week after week, they may be goodfor , or maybe you can get rid of them .