上 1+1轻巧夺冠·最佳化训练

上 1+1轻巧夺冠·最佳化训练

1+1轻巧夺冠·最佳化训练(上)【上 1+1轻巧夺冠·最佳化训练】《1+1轻巧夺冠·最佳化训练(上)》是2012年北京出版社出版的图书,作者是刘强 。
内容简介《1+1轻巧夺冠·最佳化训练:9年级英语(上)(外研版衔接)(银版·卓越版)》内容简介:体例科学实用 以现行最新教材为蓝本,以最新考纲方案为导向,採用新颖体例,全面全程跟蹤课堂教学 。习题的设定注重突出实用性,关注学生的思维发展过程,难易适度,注重对技能的培养,有利于理解能力的提高 。选题易有难 以课时为单位,将训练题按难易程度分四个梯度设计:基础巩固题、强化提高题、课外延伸题、中考连结题 。既抓住了中考的核心部分——基础题,又兼顾了高分部分——能力题 。题目数一数二题目设计精良,体现实践、综合、创新能力,对中考能力题型设计进行了科学的探索和最新的预测,準确把握中考动向,紧跟先进教育理念 。设题风格典型性强,仿真性高,注重原创题设计 。精选中考真题再现本节知识在中考中曾经出现过的考查类型、角度和深度 。知道过去曾经考过什幺,只有做到心中有数,方能立于不败之地 。贴士方便实用精选与本节知识点相关的尤其是易错点、易忽略点,放在单页的侧栏之处,以技巧小贴士的形式出现,既提醒了学生在训练时要特别注意,又充分利用了《1+1轻巧夺冠·最佳化训练:9年级英语(上)(外研版衔接)(银版·卓越版)》的每一个空间,做到空间利用的最大化 。答案全解全析无论是主观题还是客观题,《1+1轻巧夺冠·最佳化训练:9年级英语(上)(外研版衔接)(银版·卓越版)》的题目均提供详尽的解析和準确的答案 。在给出解析的同时,指出技法、导出规律,从而达到:做一题,通一类,解一卷,通全面的最高境界 。编辑推荐《1+1轻巧夺冠·最佳化训练:9年级英语(上)(外研版衔接)(银版·卓越版)》是由全国重点中学部分一线骨干教师联合编写 。目录卷首语Module 1 Wonders of the worldUnit 1 What is a wondcr of the world?Unit 2 1 was on the edge of the Grand CanyonUnit3 Language in use综合检测题Module 2 Great booksUnit 1 Confucius' works arc rcad by many peopleUnit 2 It's still read and loved.Unit 3 Language in use综合检测题Module 3 Sporting lifeUnit 1 When will the match bc hotd?Unit 2 Liu Xiang was trained for goldUnit 3 Languagc in use综合检测题Module 4 Great inventionsUnit 1 Paper and printing havc bccn uscd for agesUnit 2 Books could bc procluccd more quickly and cheaplyUnit 3 Language in use综合检测题Module 5 MuseumsUnit 1 You mustn't touch itUnit 2 There's no shouting and no runningUnit 3 Languagc in use综合检测题Module 6 Save our worldUnit 1 It's wastcful to throw away papcr and mctalUnit 2 Rcrncmbcr thrcc words: reducc, rcusc and rccycicUnit 3 icnguagc in use综合检测题Revisiort Module A综合检测题第1学期期中测试题Module 7 AustraliaUnit 1 I'm looking for the photos that you took in AustraliaUnit 2 The camel that I rode had a bad tcmrer.Unit 3 Languagc in use综合检测题Module 8 PhotosUnit 1 It's the band which gets everyone dancingUnit 2 Read on to find out who the winners arcUnit 3 Language in use综合检测题Module 9 Cartoon storiesUnit 1 We need someone like Supererman who can save tonyUnit 2 there are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.Unit3 Languagc in use综合检测题Module 10 FitnessUnit 1 I've got a fiend whose brother is training for the OlympicsUnit 2 Jamie is a cook whosc ideas are changirig school dinnersUnit 3 Languagc in use综合检测题Module 11 PopulationUnit 1 It's the higgest city in ChinaUnit 2 It was a quiet counfry villageUnit 3 Language in use综合检测题Module 12 Summer in LAUnit 1 Your host family is meeting you at the airportUnit 2 Learn English in Los AngelesUnit 3 Lannguage in Use综合检测题Revison module B综合检测题第1学期期末测试题参考答案参考答案及解析