英语单词 Crown

Crown(英语单词)【英语单词 Crown】英 [kra?n] 美 [kra?n] n.王冠;王权;花冠;顶点;齿冠;克朗(丹麦、瑞典、捷克等国的货币单位)vt.加冕;使 ... 成王;居 ... 之顶;镶齿冠;使圆满;<口>打…的头部

    [C]王冠,冕a special thing that a king or queen wears on his or her head at important times
    [S]王权the governing power of a kingdom
    vt. 加冕put a crown on
    vt. 顶上有be or have at the top of
    vt. 使完成,使(圆满)结束cause to put an end or a happy finishing touch to
用作名词 (n.)
    Thecrownwas enchased with gold and silver.这顶王冠上镶嵌着金和银 。
    She refused thecrown.她拒不接受王位 。
    I know she promised him a lilaccrown.我知道,她曾允诺他一顶紫丁香的花冠 。
    He cracked hiscrownon a microphone during a performance.他在一次表演中在麦克风上把齿冠打破了 。
用作及物动词 (vt.)
    They wanted tocrownCaesar king .他们想立凯撒为王 。
    Treescrownedthe hill.树木覆盖着小山 。
    He opened a bottle of wine tocrownthe feast.他开了一瓶葡萄酒使宴会圆满结束 。