词语释义 Notice

词语释义 Notice

Notice(词语释义)【词语释义 Notice】“Notice”的过去式是noticed,过去分词是noticed,现在分词是noticing,名词複数是notices 。作名词时基本释义为预告、通知、布告、通告、启示以及 注意等 。作动词用时为注意及礼貌对待,招呼等意思 。常用词组有 at short (或 a moment's) notice,put someone on notice (或 serve notice) 以及 take no notice 等 。
读音:[英] [?n?utis]
读音及释义[英] [?n?utis][美] [?not?s]过去式:noticed过去分词:noticed现在分词:noticing名词複数:notices基本释义:
词语释义 Notice

n.1. 预告, 通知2. 布告, 通告, 启示3. 注意4. (文学作品、电影、电视剧等的)短评;简介;评价5. 警告;警告书6. 留心;小心;招呼 7. 关注;理会8. (事情发生之前的) 徵兆,兆头;讯息9. 事先声明;(过一段时间结束协定等的)正式通知,(解聘、离职、迁址等的)通告vt. & vi.1. 注意vt.1. 礼貌对待;招呼2. 关注,理会3. 说到,提及4. 介绍;短评,简评5. 关照;正式通知6. 事先通知(某人)将终止协定(或契约)常用词组1. at short (或 a moment's) notice 临时通知,提前很短时间通知 Tours may be cancelled at short notice.旅行可能会临时通知取消 。2. put someone on notice (或 serve notice) 正式警告(某人某事将会或可能发生);正告 We're going to put foreign governments on notice that we want a change of trade policy.我们将要警告外国政府我们要改变贸易政策 。3. take no notice 不注意 take notice 注意;有兴趣同义词及物动词 vt.注意,留心see regard heed note observe动词 v.注意到note view observe behold反义词及物动词 vt.注意;发觉miss ignore overlook例句The notice on the door said that the library was closed.门上的通知说图书馆关门了 。Can you be ready at short notice?你能一接到通知马上就準备好吗?注意It attracts one's notice.它惹人注目 。公告;通告;布告;启事There were lots of notices on the notice-board.布告栏上有许多布告 。Do you see that notice? It says 'No Camping' - in case you can't read!'看到那个告示了吗?上面写着:`不许野营!'除非你们不识字 。'评论;回顾The new play got mixed notices.(对)这个新剧好坏评论都有 。until further notice在另行通知之前This office will close at 5 o'clock until further notice.本办公室五点停止办公,(如有变动)另行通知 。noticevt. vinoticed, noticing(常与that, how连用)注意到;看到;留心Did you notice him leave the house?你看到他离开房间了吗?And you didn't notice anything unusual?你觉察到什幺异常的事没有?They notice more.他们观察得更细緻一些 。No one noticed the boy as he crept off.在他偷偷摸摸离船时谁也没有察觉 。Both men had just begun to swim towards the shore, when they noticed with dismay that the speed-boat was moving in a circle.这两个人刚刚开始向海岸游去,就惊愕地看到快艇正在打着转 。He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him.他发现有一股岩浆在朝他流来 。notice[5nEutis]n布告, 公告, 告示, 通知(辞退等)预先通知; 讯息注意, 观察(报刊、杂誌、戏剧等的)介绍; 评论, 短评客气; 有礼貌的打招呼警告价目牌a notice of a call催缴股款通知书a notice of marriage结婚启事notice board布告栏[牌]give one's employee a month'snotice 通知雇员一个月后离职bring it to hisnotice引起他的注意book notices图书介绍The tenant received two month's notice.房客得到两个月后搬出的通知 。He left without notice.他不辞而别 。notice[5nEutis]vt认识, 注意到; 留心评论; 介绍打招呼; 客气对待通知提及, 谈到notice a new book评价一本新书He noticed me entering the room.他看到我正在走进房间 。She was too shy to notice him.她太害羞, 没有向他打招呼 。He was noticed to leave the office as soon as possible.他被通知儘快离开办公室 。notice[5nEutis]vi注意; 留心at a moment's notice一经通知, 就立即; 随时at [on]short notice在短时间内, 接到命令后立即...be beneath one's notice不值一顾be under notice接到 ... 通知bring to [under]sb.'s notice使某人注意到catch [into]sb.'s notice引起某人的注意come into notice引起注意come to [into]sb.'s notice引起某人的注意escape sb.'s notice逃过某人的注意; 被某人疏忽; 被某人看漏get notice[美口]被解僱, 失业give notice通知, 通告; 预先通知(解僱、辞职等)give notice of [that]通知 ...give notice to报告have [receive] notice of接到...的通知have notice to quit接到解僱的通知; 患不治之症, 危在旦夕 on short notice忽然; 急忙post [put up]a notice贴出布告put a notice in the papers在报上登通告serve (a) notice to通知; 宣布; 警告sit up and take notice蓦地注意起来(病人)渐渐恢复健康; 病况好转take no notice of不注意, 不理会; 不採取应有的措施take notice注意开始懂事, 开始了解事物take notice of注意, 留心take notice of sb.款待某人Take notice that ...(我)警告你...take sb.'s notice接到某人的通知till [until]further notice在另行通知以前under notice接到解僱的通知without notice不预先通知; 不另行通知; 擅自admiralty notice(s) to mariners(英国海军部)航行通告admission [acceptance] notice录取通知书advance notice预先通知; 预告arrival notice到货[抵港, 到达]通知bankruptcy notice破产公告cancellation notice保险单注销通知cargo delivery notice提货通知caution notice警戒[危险]标誌claim notices期刊催缺单, 催询通知clearance notice出港通知书complaint notice催询通知departure notice出发通知embarkation notice乘船[飞机]通知entrance notice进口报单expirationnotice满期通知forwarding agent's notice代运通知书freight notice运费通知书further notice另行通知goods arrival notice 货物到达通知单limitation notice印数说明note notice票据到期通知书obituary notice讣告, 死者传略, 报刊上的死亡记事栏overdue notice过期通知单payment notice缴款通知previous notice预先通知书propagation notice【信】传播通知provisional notice of cancellation临时注销通知publicationnotice出版(讯息)通知, 出版动态通告redemption notice有关赎回债券日期及价格的通知renewal notice续订通知rightful notice正式通知shipping notice发料(通知)单stop-payment notice(外贸)止付通知书train composition notice列车编组顺序通知书warning notice警告; 预告notice of a call催款通知notice of abandonment委付通知书notice of assessment详税通知书notice of change employment人事动态通知notice of claim索赔通知notice of compliance with the award愿执行仲裁裁决的通知notice of delay延迟通知notice of delivery paid已付款收货通知单notice of dishonour拒付或拒绝承兑通知, 退票通知书notice of export [import]出[进]口申请notice of lack of conformity货物不符通知notice of loading readiness受载通知和待卸通知notice of loss or damage损失或损害通知notice of non-delivery无法投递通知notice of non-payment拒付通知notice of readiness 备装通知, 装卸準备完成通知notice of recall召回[撤消]通知书notice of shipment装船通知notice of shipment goods发货通知notice of tax payment纳税通知书notice of transfer过户启事notice of vessel's arrival船舶抵港通知notice to airmen航空情报notice源自拉丁语noscere使知道用法见 seenoticeheednoteobserveregardsee歌曲歌手:Diana Vickers(黛安娜·维克斯)专辑:Songs from the Tainted Cherry Tree歌词:I'm still dancingNow we're burningThe heat was risingAnd now we're breathing more and moreCan you see me now?Can you hear me shout?When I'm dancing through the fearWill you catch my fall?Do you know me at all?It's like you never notice meIt's like you never notice meI'm still tryingI'm not tired just yetMy eyes are dryingI never dreamed that you'd forgetCan you see me now?Can you hear me shout?When I'm dancing through the fearWill you catch my fall?Do you know me at all?It's like you never notice meIt's like you never notice meIn my room There is doubt The only words cant come out?We were friends, we had hitAnd I choke when you speakbecause you never notice mebecause you never notice meCan you see me now?Can you hear me shout?When I'm dancing through the fearWill you catch my fall?Do you know me at all?It's like you never notice meIt's like you never notice meNotice me