

精彩纷呈【精彩纷呈】精彩纷呈(jīng cǎi fēn chéng) , 成语 , 意思是美好的场面和事物纷纷在眼前呈现出来 , 近义词有异彩纷呈 、美妙绝伦 。
外文名:unusually brilliant -- with high lights
注音:jīng cǎi fēn chéng
释义:美好的场面和事物纷纷呈现出来 。
反义词:: 索然无味
基本信息【词目】精彩纷呈【英译】unusually brilliant -- with high lights;hundreds of high lights【基本解释】美好的场面和事物纷纷在眼前呈现出来详细解释释义:1.精彩:(表演、展览、言论、艺术 , 绘画 , 文章等)优美;出色 , 有条理2.纷呈:纷纷呈现举例
    这场晚会真是精彩纷呈 , 让人大饱眼福!
2.这次博览会的展品精彩纷呈 , 令人目不暇接 。3.演讲比赛精彩纷呈 , 让评审难辨胜负 。英文解释简明释义unusually brilliant -- with high lights;hundreds of high lights;例句对生活本身的欣赏 , 即忽然领悟到自身活着的奇蹟 , 可以让平凡的生活变的精彩纷呈 。Appreciation on life itself, becoming suddenly aware of the miracle of being alive, on this planet, can turn what we callordinary life into a miracle.建设奥运广播电视专网及其配套基础设施 , 为奥运会的广播电视转播和信号传输构筑可靠的支撑平台 , 让世界人民欣赏到精彩纷呈的北京2008年奥运会 。Broadcast and tv special network must be built for olympic stadiums and gymnasiums so as to create a reliable platform fortv broadcast relays of the olympic games and signal transmission, and facilitate the people throughout the world to enjoybeijing's spectacular olympic games in 2008.随着internet技术的套用和普及,精彩纷呈的网路媒体为我们的生活和工作带来了全新的信息交流方式和便捷的工作娱乐模式 。With the application and popularity of internet technology, brilliant network medium have brought bran-new ways ofinformation communications and convenient patterns of work and amusements into our life.企业拥有窗饰行业的各种技术专业人员 , 可根据顾客不同层次的需求 , 奉送给您温馨舒适、精彩纷呈的家居环境 。Stocks trade enterprises with the various technical professionals, according to the needs of customers at different levels,freebee to you a warm comfortable, brilliant home environment.这场被誉为“成功、精彩、难忘”的世界性盛会 , 不仅传播了“理解、沟通、欢聚、合作”的世博理念 , 也是一场精彩纷呈、美轮美奂的世界文明大展示 。This known as "successful, splendid and unforgettable" worldwide event, not only spread the "understanding,communication, togetherness and cooperation," the expo concept, but also a brilliant, magnificent large display of worldcivilization.