Glitter and Gold

Glitter and Gold

Glitter and Gold【Glitter and Gold】《Glitter and Gold》是由Barnaby Courtney作词、作曲,Barns Courtney演唱的歌曲,该歌曲收录于Barns Courtney2015年发行的专辑《Glitter & Gold》中 。
基本介绍外文名称:Glitter & Gold
所属专辑:Glitter & Gold
歌曲原唱:Barns Courtney
填词:Barnaby Courtney
谱曲:Barnaby Courtney
歌曲歌词I am flesh and I am bone.我是血肉之躯Rise up, ting ting, like glitter and gold.渐渐上升,铿锵有力,如同光辉和黄金I've got fire in my soul我的灵魂如火炽烈Rise up, ting ting, like glitter...渐渐升起,铿锵有力,如同辉光Like glitter and gold.如同光辉和黄金Like glitter...如同辉光......Do you walk in the valley of kings?你走在国王的山谷中吗?Do you walk in the shadow of men你是否走在那些人的影子里who sold their lives to a dream?那些为梦想出卖生命的人们?Do you ponder the manner of things,你是否沉思于事情的那些规矩in the dark...在黑暗中......the dark, the dark, the dark...黑暗啊,无边无际的黑暗......I am flesh and I am bone.我是血肉之躯Arise, ting ting, like glitter and gold.已然升起,铿锵有力,如同光辉与黄金I've got fire in my soul我的灵魂中有熊熊烈火在燃烧Rise up, ting ting, like glitter...渐渐升起,如同耀眼的辉光Like glitter and gold.如同光辉,如同黄金Like glitter...如同光辉......Do you walk in the meadow of spring?你走在春日的绿草丛中吗?Do you talk to the animals?你会与动物交谈吗?Do you hold their lives from a string?你会用一条细绳系住他们的生命吗?Do you ponder the manner of things你会不会仔细思虑那些待人接物的礼节in the dark...在黑暗中......the dark, the dark, the dark...黑暗,黑暗,无边的黑暗......I am flesh and I am bone.我是血肉之躯Arise, ting ting, like glitter and gold.已然升起,锵锵作响,如同光辉与黄金I've got fire in my soul我的灵魂如火炽烈Rise up, ting ting, like glitter...渐渐升起,如同夺目的一道光I am flesh and I am bone.我是血肉之躯Arise, ting ting, like glitter and gold.已然升起,锵锵作响,如同光辉与黄金I've got fire in my soul我的灵魂如火炽烈Rise up, ting ting, like glitter...渐渐升起,如同夺目的一道光'Cause everybody's in the backroom's因为每个幕后的人spinning up...都在加速......You don't remember what you're asking for...你难道不知道你正想得到什幺吗......And everybody's in the front room's并且每个台前的人tripping out...都已跳出去......You left your bong at the door.你却把你的锣落在了门口'Cause everybody's in the backroom's因为每个幕后的人spinning up...都在加速......You don't remember what you're asking for...你难道不知道你正想得到什幺吗......And everybody's in the front room's并且每个台前的人tripping out...都已跳出去......You left your bong at the door.你却把你的锣落在了门口I am flesh and I am bone.我是血肉之躯Arise, ting ting, like glitter and gold.已然升起,锵锵作响,如同光辉与黄金I've got fire in my soul我的灵魂如火炽烈Rise up, ting ting, like glitter...渐渐升起,如同夺目的一道光Like glitter and gold.恍若光辉,恍若黄金Like glitter...恍若光辉......Like glitter and gold... 恍若光辉和黄金......Like glitter...恍若一道光......