考研英语阅读题源【考研英语阅读题源】《考研英语阅读题源》是2008年石油工业出版社出版的图书,作者是江涛,孟飞 。
作者:江涛,孟飞 主编
内容提要很多同学都知道,应付考研英语,除了背单词、做真题以外,扩大阅读量是个很好的办法 。和所有的英语考试一样,考研英语中阅读题的分值最大 。而通过阅读英语文章来複习,除了可以提高阅读能力外,还可以更高效地记忆单词、培养语感、提高写作能力,从而从整体上提高你的英语水平 。扩大阅读量十分重要,而对阅读材料的选择也不容忽视 。如果对历年考研真题阅读理解文章的来源进行整理,你会发现,其来源是有规律可循的 。有关统计结果表明,考研英语阅读文章有80%以上出自TheEconomist《经济学家》、Newsweek《新闻周刊》、TIME《时代周刊》等原版英文报刊杂誌;这些文章都是五年内发表的,具有一定的时效性 。这一规律对于複习考研至关重要 。与其将大把时间浪费在其他类型的阅读上,为什幺不直接从考研阅读的题源中进行发掘呢?无论是难度、篇幅还是文章的风格、选材,还有什幺阅读材料比考题的题源更接近考题本身的呢?作者简介江涛,原北京外国语大学青年教师,英国、挪威、荷兰等多国留学背景 。从教多年,受中国各大省、市100多所知名高校之邀,演讲千余场,以其极其感染力的激情,一针见血的点评,坦诚务实的作风广受学员讚誉 。主编《80天攻克雅思》、《70天攻克考研英语》、《40天攻克四级710分新题型》等系列丛书,出版英语教学类书籍上千万字,畅销大陆,远销台湾及东南亚地区 。2003年同语言学家、美籍华人彭铁城教授创办华盛顿国际英语学校;2005年创办卓成教育,首开中国民营教育机构多元化研究与大学师资培训之先河 。同年,受国家领导人全国人大常委会副委员长成恩危接见 。目录社会类Passage One Frustration Grows at Carousel As More Baggage Goes AstrayPassage Two Car Boom Puts Europe on Road to a Smoggy FuturePassage Three Women Keeping up Pressure fora Better Travel ExperiencePassage Four Parsing the Truths about Visas for Tech WorkersPassage Five u.s. Database Exposed Thousands of Social Security NumbersPassage Six off the Shelf; Opening the On-Ramp for WomenPassage Seven Link Is Seen Between British Labsand Livestock VirusPassage Eght "Kid Nation" Parents Gave Show Free ReinPassage Nine Peeking into Cubicles to Find a Wealth of Tech WorkersPassage Ten Abdicate and Capitulate文教类Passage One For France, Video Games Are as Artful as CinemaPassage Two For Some Countries, America's Popular Culture Is ResistiblePassage Three Brazilian Government Invests in Culture of Hip-HopPassage Four A Classroom of Monkey Bars and SlidesPassage Five Teacher DismissedPassage Six TV Dmmas Rip the Cover off MagazinesPassage Seven Who's a Nerd, Anyway?Passage Eight A Familiar Set Helps to Create a New Cultural MarketPassage Nine Survey Reveals Student Attitudes, Parental Goals and Teacher MistrustPassage Ten Atrmican Culture's French Connection经济类Passage One U.S. Automakers Post M~dest Sales Rise in JanuaryPassage Two Economists Are Watchful as Tokyo Ends Loose-Money PolicyPassage Three Enter the Neuro-Eeonomists: Why Do Investors Do What They Do?……科技类健康类
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