「西非漫谈」马里共和国历史概述 中国历史钱币之最pdf( 四 )

通讯地址:成都市高新区(西区)西源大道2006号电子科技大学清水河校区西非研究中心综合楼450办公室 。
AboutCenter for West African Studies of UESTC
1. Introduction
TheCenter for West African Studies of University of Electronic Science andTechnology of China (CWAS of UESTC) is a research center jointly established byUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), University ofGhana (UG), University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana Institute of Management andPublic Administration (GIMPA), University of Education, Winneba (UEW), andUniversity for Development Studies (UDS) in April 2017. The Center is based inthe School of Public Affairs and Administration at UESTC and is headed byProfessor ShuRong Zhao.
Theestablishment of CWAS is an important initiative of UESTC to pursue China’s“Philosophy and Social Sciences ‘Going Global’ Strategy” and a beneficialpractice for UESTC to build an international interdisciplinary research systemand a new type of high-level “Think Tank”.
InMarch 2021, the CWAS of UESTC was accredited by the Ministry of Education ofChina as the Center for National and Regional Studies for Universities.
2. Research Direction
Research Targets: Focusing on Ghana, Benin, Senegal, and othermajor West African countries and West African regions.
Research Areas: China-West Africa politic science, economic andsocial development, public administration, education, literature and culture,etc.; China-West Africa economic and trade cooperation; China-West Africaintergovernmental relations.
3. Mission and Goals
TheCenter for West African Studies, together with five member institutions ofuniversities in Ghana, UESTC Alumni in West Africa for West African Studies,and the Ghana Chinese Chamber of Commerce, strives to create a "111"new research model of China-Africa cooperation, which integrates a TalentTraining Base, an Academic Exchange Platform and a Think Tank for West Africanstudies. It aims to:
(1) To serve as a Talent Training Base. TheCenter helps to expand the source of international students from West Africaand enrich the multi-level international student training system of UESTC forundergraduate, master, and doctor. Also, it carries out overseas cadretraining, teacher training, customized ICT and engineering training, and summerpractice programs for students in West Africa, and devotes itself to building adiversified and distinctive overseas talent training base which integratesacademic education, on-the-job training and practical training, and cultivateslocal talents for Chinese enterprises to address economic and socialdevelopment problems.
(2) To build an Academic Exchange Platform.Through regularly holding international academic conferences suchas Forum on West African Studies, organizing China-Africa Friendship—Academic—CultureExchanges Month, and promoting overseas exhibitions of 3D platforms forcultural resources and China-West Africa InternationalIndustry-Academia-Research Cooperation Project, the Center is committed tobuilding a platform for China-Africa exchanges and cooperations in variousfields such as academics, humanities, science and technology, and enhancing theinfluence and cultural soft power of Chinese universities and enterprises inAfrica.
(3) To establish a Think Tank for West African studies.The Center is committed to research on economic, political, andhumanistic exchanges in West Africa by utilizing the disciplinary strengths andfeatured research of its members both in China and abroad. It works tostrengthen cooperations with West African think tanks such as the Imani Centerfor Policy Education (ranked 113 in global think tanks) and the Institute forStatistics, Social and Economic Research (ranked 164 in global think tanks) aspart of efforts to enhance joint research, and collectively publish andundertake research projects on West African studies. The Center also aims topropose policy advice to the Chinese government and West African countries,provide high-level think tank services for China in fields covering talenttraining, science and technology services, economic and business management,and public and political governance. And, it also strives to become aninfluential think tank center for West African studies.