《半妖倾城》主题曲 we are one

《半妖倾城》主题曲 we are one

we are one(《半妖倾城》主题曲)【《半妖倾城》主题曲 we are one】电视剧《半妖倾城》主题曲,由郁可唯演唱,谭璇作曲, 黄星瑞作词。
基本介绍外文名称:we are one
歌曲简介自出道以来,郁可唯凭藉独特的郁式唱腔和扎实的唱功,频频受邀为各类热播影视剧主题曲献声 。本次,受邀演唱电视剧《半妖倾城》英文主题曲《We Are One》,是郁可唯演唱的首支英文电视剧主题曲 。对英语专业“科班”出身的郁可唯来说,更是大展语言天赋 。醇美的嗓音、独特的唱法,令东方的神秘与西方的奇幻完美融合在悠扬的歌声中,复古气息十足 。而郁可唯的演唱也谱写着冲破人妖界限、许下彼此相爱美好誓言的唯美爱情故事,令听者如同共舞一曲庄重典雅又舒展大方的华尔兹 。音乐无国界,歌曲用唯美的英文歌声较好的展现出中华文化的意境 。
《半妖倾城》主题曲 we are one

歌曲歌词郁可唯 - We Are One词:黄星瑞曲:谭旋Bleak winds roar in the wilderness寒风吹过荒野Coldness numbs the senses冷得失去知觉The haze of obscurity haunts our path迷雾笼罩方向Darkness falls upon us黑暗放在面前Tender kisses kindle a blaze of hope但你的吻点燃希望Bringing us warmth lighting our path温暖我照亮前路After the dark there will be dawn黎明即将到来Nothing can break us apart没什幺可将你我拆散Let pain pervade our flesh我们一起痛Let cold congeal our blood我们一起死Let havoc crush us down to the ground就算灾难把我们打倒But we will still be one我们已融为一体In each other that we love我们彼此深爱In each other that we trust我们彼此信赖May our love guide us through the dark我们的爱是黑暗里的光明Forever we are one永远融为一体Forever we are one永远融为一体Bleak winds roar in the wilderness寒风吹过荒野Coldness numbs the senses冷得失去知觉The haze of obscurity haunts our path迷雾笼罩方向Darkness falls upon us黑暗放在面前Tender kisses kindle a blaze of hope但你的吻点燃希望Bringing us warmth lighting our path温暖我照亮前路After the dark there will be dawn黎明即将到来Nothing can break us apart没什幺可将你我拆散Let pain pervade our flesh我们一起痛Let cold congeal our blood我们一起死Let havoc crush us down to the ground就算灾难把我们打倒But we will still be one我们已融为一体In each other that we love我们彼此深爱In each other that we trust我们彼此信赖May our love guide us through the dark我们的爱是黑暗里的光明Forever we are one永远融为一体Forever we are one永远融为一体Let pain pervade our flesh我们一起痛Let cold congeal our blood我们一起死Let havoc crush us down to the ground就算灾难把我们打倒But we will still be one我们已融为一体In each other that we love我们彼此深爱In each other that we trust我们彼此信赖May our love guide us through the dark我们的爱是黑暗里的光明Forever we are one永远融为一体Forever we are one永远融为一体