

高等学校英语套用能力考试模拟题:B级【高等学校英语套用能力考试模拟题:B级】《高等学校英语套用能力考试模拟题(B级)》编排了8套模拟试卷 。模拟试卷的难度与考试要求基本相当 。这样做的目的是使考生通过练习 , 对每一种题型考什幺、怎幺考和难易度如何都十分熟悉 , 从而提高应答的準确率 。按照“考试大纲”的规定 , A级有5种题型 , 即:1)听力理解;2)语法结构;3)阅读理解;4)英译汉;5)写作或汉译英 。B级也有5种题型 , 除第2部分为“语法辞彙”外 , 其他的题型与A级相同 。
作者:本书编写组 《高等学校英语套用能力考试编写组》
语种:简体中文, 英语
内容简介《高等学校英语套用能力考试模拟题:B级》是高等教育出版社出版 。图书目录Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 1 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 2 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 3 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 4 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 5 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 6 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 7 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 8 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 9 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 10 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 11 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 12 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 13 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 14 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 15 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 16 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 17 Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B) Model Test 18 Key & Scripts文摘Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 16. I regret you that we are unable to offer you a job. A) informing C) having informed B) to inform D) inform 17. The enemy was surrounded in the valley and it was difficult to A) break off C) break away B) break through D) break out 18. What he said me that he was an honest man. A) agreed C) ensured B) convinced D) believed 19. Westerners bread, milk potatoes and etc. A) come on C) act on B) work on D) feed on 20. By the time you get there tomorrow, the film A) will start C) is starting B) will have started D) is to start 21.. Mountainous areas have a poorer TV than cities. A) receipt C) reaction B) reception D) response 22. He made the suggestion at the meeting that the problem by students themselves. A) is settled C) was settled B) be settled D) bad been settled 23. It me 3 days to have the watch repaired. A) gave C) made B) took D) kept 24. The days my heart was young and gay are gone. A) of which C) in which B) on which D) at which 25. But as a matter of fact, I did not begin to work he had gone. A) until C) although B) since D) if 序言高等学校英语套用能力考试自2000年在各省、市、自治区实施以来 , 参加考试的高职高专考生越来越多 。为了帮助考生做好考前準备 , 顺利通过考试并取得优异成绩 , 编写组继2003年第一版模拟题出版后 , 2005年又精心编写了第二版模拟题集 , 分为《高等学校英语套用能力考试模拟题(A级)(第二版)》和((高等学校英语套用能力考试模拟题(B级)(第二版)》两册 , 供考生选用 。高等学校英语套用能力考试是以((高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》(试行)(以下称“基本要求”)为依据设计的 。其对象是已经修完高职高专英语课程、达到“基本要求”提出的各项要求的学生 。它的考试範围包括了“基本要求”规定的各项内容 。A级考试对应于A级要求 , B级考试对应于B级要求 。为此 , 参加这门考试的考生首先要熟悉“基本要求”的各项要求和内容 , 并对所规定的语言知识和技能作到熟练掌握 , 灵活运用 。这门考试的目的是检测高职高专学生掌握英语的实际套用能力 , 即:考核考生是否能以英语为工具进行日常交际和与未来业务有关的交际 。因此 , 和我国的其他英语考试不同 , 这门考试不仅检测考生的一般英语知识和技能 , 更侧重检测考生掌握套用性语言(包括口头语言和书面语言)的能力 , 例如:听力理解部分有接听电话、接待、导游、业务交往等 , 阅读理解部分有使用说明书、业务函件、公告、契约等 , 翻译和写作部分有通知、广告、便条、业务函件等 。套用性内容要占到试卷内容的60%左右 。语言技能方面的测试包括除口语以外的听、读、译、写等各项基本技能 。这就要求考生在平日学习时注意掌握套用文的格式和常用套语;通过不断的练习以达到熟练的程度 。此外 , 这门考试不仅考核考生的理解能力 , 还着重对语言运用能力的考核 。试卷中45%以上的考题都是要求考生写出英语(如填空 , 简答 , 翻译等)而不是採用多项选择题 , 因此考试对词语的拼写、语法规则和辞彙的运用都有一定的要求 。自2000年实行高等学校英语套用能力考试以来 , 试卷设定略有变化 。现在的A级和B级试卷都分为5个部分 , 即:1)听力理解;2)辞彙与语法套用(A级不考辞彙 , 但是考词性变化);3)阅读理解;4)翻译(英译汉);5)写作 。