悍娇虎( 五 )

I mean you don't belong in the jade palace. You've disgraced kungfu. If you have any respect for who we are and what we do, you will be gone by morning.我是说你不属于翡翠宫,你是武林的耻辱,如果你还尊重我们和我们的所作所为,你破晓前就该离开 。
He wasn't just a student. Shifu found him as a cub, and he raised him as a son. When the boy showed talent in kungfu, Shifu trained him. He believed in him. He told him he was destined for greatness. It was never enough for Tailang. He wanted the dragon scroll, but Oogway saw darkness in his heart and refused. Outraged, Tailang laid waste to the valley. He tried to take the scroll by force, and Shifu had to destroy what he had created, but how could he? Shifu loved Tailang like he had never loved anyone before, or since, and now he has the chance to make things right, to train the true dragon warrior, and he stuck with you, a big, fat panda who treats it like a joke.他可不仅是徒弟 。师傅发现他是他还是个小宝宝,师傅把他当做自己儿子收留下来 。当他展现他的功夫天赋时,师傅训练他 。师傅相信他并告诉他,他会成为一个功夫大师 。但残豹从不满足,他想要神龙秘笈 。龟大仙看到了他内心的黑暗,拒绝了他 。恼羞成怒的残豹毁坏了村庄 。他想用武力夺取神龙秘笈,师傅必
须站出来面对他所埋下的祸根,但他怎幺忍心呢 。师傅爱大龙,他从未这幺爱过一个人,以后也不会了 。他终于有机会改变这个错误,训练出真正的神龙大侠,但他却遇到了你,一只又大又肥的熊猫,把练功当儿戏 。
Um, it is said a dragon worrior can survive for months of the time on nothing but the dew of a single gingkgo leaf and the energy of the universe.据说神龙大侠可以几个月只靠一片银杏叶上的露水和宇宙的精华来维生 。
(To Po) Master!
功夫熊猫2Don`t worry, Mr. Ping. He`ll be back before you can say "noodles". / 别担心,平先生 。在你能说出“麵条”这个词之前,他就会回来的 。The mast is not a worthy opponent. I am ready. / 桅桿可不是个好对手 。来吧 。Apologies. I used to punch the ironwood trees by the palace to train. Now I feel nothing./抱歉,我以前常常徒手打翡翠宫里的那些铁树来练功,所以现在什幺都感觉不到了 。No. Besides, I don`t think hard style is your thing. / 没有,况且我觉得你不适合练硬功 。I hope this turns out better than your plan to cook rice in your stomach by eating it raw and then drinking boiling water. / 我希望这次的结果会比你上次想出的把生米和开水灌进肚子来煮饭的计画要好 。The hard core do understand, but I can`t watch my friend be killed. We`re going!我完全理解你 。但是我没法看着我朋友去送死 。我们走!功夫熊猫3How`s that for a little kitten?猫崽子还不赖吧?(压制住天煞的气焰时)
Po, I hope you are ready.阿宝,希望你已经準备好了 。
Kai attacked the valley. He`s taken every master in China, including Shifu and the others. It`s... It`s all gone, Po, everything, everyone. And now he`s on his way here. He`s after you, Po. He`s after all pandas.天煞袭击了村子,他抓走了天下所有的大师,连师父和其他四侠也未能倖免!现在他正朝这边杀来,他是来抓你和所有熊猫的,阿宝!
Not long. Please tell me you`ve mastered Chi.时间不多了,别告诉我你还没精通气功 。
This isn`t going to work.You`re not thinking straight.I`ve seen Kai. I`ve seen what he can do.The Wushi finger hold?He has an army of jade warriors. Everything they see he sees, so there is no sneaking up on him. You will never get close enough.He can only be stopped by a master of Chi.这样根本行不通,你现在脑子不清醒!我见过天煞,知道他有多大本事!他有一支翡翠军团,能帮他眼观六路,你没法近他身!只有真正的气功大师才能够阻止他!