

商务英语阅读教程1-2【商务英语阅读教程1-2】《商务英语阅读教程1-2》是 2010年 上海外语教育出版社出版的图书 。
图书信息出版社: 上海外语教育出版社; 第1版 (2010年9月1日)外文书名: Business English:A Reading Course正文语种: 简体中文, 英语ISBN: 9787544618588条形码: 9787544618588尺寸: 27.6 x 20.2 x 0.8 cm重量: 240 g内容简介《商务英语阅读教程1-2(教师用书)》强调打好扎实的语言基本功,兼顾商务专业素质与人文素养的同步提于升 。编排和选材注重学生正确世界观和道德观的形成,注重思维能力、创新能力和跨文化交际能力的培养 。令语言、文化与商务有机融合,注重商务英语技能和商务专业课程的合理衔接 。学习任务设计丰富多样,有助于训练学生交际能力、自主学习能力和合作学习能力 。单元紧扣社会热点话题,难度合理递增,选文思想内涵深刻,可读性强,充分反映经济全球化时代的特点 。为教学提供多媒体资源,丰富的视频材料可增加语言学习的趣味性和输入的有效性,调动学生课堂参与的积极性;主干教程配套电子教案,方便实用,充分满足个性化教学需要 。目录Unit 1Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 2Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 3Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 4Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 5Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 6Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 7Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 8Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference Keys ,Unit 9Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference Keys .Unit 10Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 11Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 12Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 13Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 14Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference Keys ;Unit 15Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 16Part I Back2round InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 1Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 2Part I Background InformationPart U Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 3 Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 4Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 5Part Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 6Part Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit7Part Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 8Part Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 9Part Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 10Part B Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 11Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 12Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference Keys.Unit 13Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 14Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the Texts Part III Reference KeysUnit 15Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Reference KeysUnit 16Part I Background InformationPart II Notes on the TextsPart III Referehce Keys