

歌词Oh, the storm clouds were moving across your eyes, and ICould hear the war drums pounding from inside your mind, so IGave up my life for love, but it still was not enoughBut it still was not enoughBut it still was not enoughMy heart shattered apart with your sanity, but I won't leaveThe stars have scattered across a haunted galaxy, please,Hold on through Heaven and Hell, hold onto each other,Or I fear we won't recoverOn your side, on your...I'm still on your sideOn your side...I'm still on your...Jump-start the innocent parts that once dared to dream, beforeThe spark diminishes from the life you're meant to lead, are youGonna let it burn out, are you gonna let itFade away?Fade away?On your side, on your...I'm still on your sideOn your side...I'm still on your...On your side, on your...I'm still on your sideOn your side...I'm still on your side...There, there, it's better late than never(Never say never again)There's always time to start this over(Over and over)MV简介迎来品牌160周年的 Burberry(博柏利)率先以一支3分钟的品牌广告大片《The Tale of Thomas Burberry》拉开了今年圣诞广告大战的序幕 。品牌影片以Burberry品牌创始人及开拓者Thomas Burberry先生为原型,想像、借鉴并重现他从童年到成年的传奇故事 。