

国小英语阶梯阅读训练【国小英语阶梯阅读训练】《国小英语阶梯阅读训练》是一本由南京大学出版社在2009年2月1日出版的书籍 。
页数: 188页
图书信息出版社: 南京大学出版社; 第1版 (2009年2月1日)丛书名: 小学生新课标阶梯教辅系列平装: 188页正文语种: 简体中文, 英语开本: 32ISBN: 9787305054044条形码: 9787305054044尺寸: 20.1 x 14 x 1 cm重量: 204 g内容简介《国小英语阶梯阅读训练(6年级)》紧扣新课标对小学生课外读写的量化要求,精选具有代表性的百余篇阅读材料,内容生动活泼,题材广泛丰富,语言规範标準,难易程度递进,读起来朗朗上口 。内容比较符合小学生的特点,不仅可激发兴趣,培养语感,还可以强化英语基础知识,让每一位初学英语的小朋友轻鬆愉快地步入英语大门 。精选短文涉及学校生活、健身运动、科学常识、动物植物、地理知识、风俗故事,篇篇生动有趣,富有感染力 。文后设定了丰富的练习题,有问答、选择、判断、填空等多种题型,引导学生全面理解短文的意思,并快速提高阅读水平 。对阅读过程中出现的较难生词和词组列举出来,给出释义,帮助学生记忆,扩大单词量 。目录1. Mr. Smith and his wife2. My brother is busy!3. TV in our lives4. Big fish and small fish5. Sandwich6. Half mad, not quite mad7. Mr. Brown and his wife8. They came to see me off9. Working in a book shop10. Learning English11. How handsome I am!12. Deserts13. Mary and her teacher14. The seats are too small15. Mrs. Green's telephone number16. I'll start in three months17. I want to be a dustman18. An old lady in a plane19. A girl or a boy, a woman or a man?20. What will happen to me?21. At the barber's shop22. Believe straw, not believe feet?23. Mr. Perkin's new car24. Where is your father?25. The sun, the moon and the earth26. Mary and four cousins27. Dick28. A golden watch29. Father Christmas30. The nation on wheels31. Weather and men32. A strange writing letter33. Something better than gold34. Breathing is even important35. Two farmers36. In a food factory37. Seeing the horse eat fish38. He knows the future!39. More lucky in life40. Guessing in learning a foreign language41. Whether bees can see colours42. Mr. Dane and a thief43. Life is full of surprises44. The keep dog45. Your passport please!46. Have to pay47. Cross the roads safely48. A judge and his neighbor49. The farmer, his horse, and his son50. How basketball got its name51. A thief's letter52. The dog does the same work as me!53. Money54. The lost ring55. You've dropped your manners56. The thief and the goose57. A sentence with five "and"58. Thank God for saving me59. A famous English painter60. A rich man and his servant61. Hong Kong62. I've gone out in my boots63. I'll wait for you at the front door64. Newspapers65. A man and his daughter66. A small red car67. Jules Verns 68. Modern English, Middle English and Old English69. Communication70. Who has more questions?71. Resource72. Today's American families73. Have a good memory74. Can animals be made to work for us75. An English traveller76. Dr. Robot77. John Hancock78. Oil79. A beautiful piece of glass80. Put me into prison!81. Which hotel are my things in?82. A busy doctor and his rich patient83. My little brother84. It's just a bookshelf85. American football86. The oldest pine tree87. How foolish we were88. Who would hear what I said earlier?89. SOS Children's Village90. Satellites and the weather91. I hate spending money92. A selfish man93. A football game94. The changeable weather95. It must be another man96. It was only a joke!97. A trip to the forest98. How to make words99. Einstein's driver100. I'm the doctor!