

中级美国英语【中级美国英语】《中级美国英语》是1990-11中国对外翻译出版公司出版的图书,作者是美国之音中文部编 。
内容介绍本书是“美国英语广播教学系列”之一 。《中级美国英语》採用的全部是美国人实际使用的地道的英语,挑选发音纯正的美国专业播音员播音,内容由浅入深,浅中见深,适用于我国从高中生到大学英语专业低年级学生或非英语专业的大专毕业生,及具有相当程度的自学者 。此外,对需要提高听说能力,并打算与美国人实际进行交往的部分研究生也有参考价值 。作品目录Table of ContentsPrcfaccLesson OneOne and ones as noun substitutesWhich onePrepositional phrasesLesyon TwoUsed tnVerb +to-inflnitiveLesson ThreeMiinrMwhThere isThere arLesson FuurThe modal auxiliarirs can will may miyhtLesson FiveThe modal auxiliaries should and mustfltlYe toLessun SixThe modal auxiliary couldThe exprossion would like toThe expression onght toUSe of' becauseLesson SevenPast tenseLesson EightPast tenseLisson NineComparative of adjeetivesLesson TenComparative of adjectivesAs……asLesson ElevenThe same....asDifferent fromLesson TwelveSuperlatives ot adJectivesLesson ThirteenPresent perfect tenseUse of have been and has beenUse of yi'l and alreadyLesson FourteenSemester BreakPresent Perfect TenseEYer.necver and wishLesson FifteenUo You Have a Car?Present Perf'ect TenseSince and forLesson SixteenGoing to UniversityUirect ancl Indirect ObjectsLeeson SeventeenNew York CityIndefinite Pronouns Combining som and anywith -thing body and -whereLesson EighteenBusy WeekendsObject Clauses (1)Let'sLesson NineteenHaving a PicnicObject Clauses (11)A.sk, remind hope and right awayLesson TwentyGraduation DayAdjective Clauses (1)Lesson Twenty-oneCampingAdjective ClausesLesson Twenty-twoDriving RegulationsTime ClaususLesson Twenty-threeAdult EducationPa.ssive Voice (1)Lesson Twenty-founOffice WorkersPassive Voice.(II)Le sson Twenty-fiveTag QuestionsLesson Twenty-sixMcdical InsuranceRoviewLesson Twenty-sevenCumputersPrusent Perfect Continuous FormLesson Twt'nty-eightA School TeacherIndirect Speech (1)Lesson Twenty-nineFire FightersIndireet Speech (11)Lesson ThirtyElectionsRun for depend on be interested in take part in take part intake sides on keep up on and uppeal toLesson Thirty-oneHousingUse of it (1)Lesson Thirty-twoMoving SouthUse of it (11)Lesson Thirty-threeProfessional SportsNegative QuestionsLesson Thirty -fourUnionsVerb+to+ VerlLesson Thirty-fiveGraduate Schools-ing Form of' the Verb as ObjectsLesson Thirty-sixCredit CanlsThe to-infinitive as ObjectLcsson Thirty-sevonTelevisionVerb+Object+VerbLesson Thirty-eight.Crafts Fairlook at lookfor ,lookfor ward to getting,hope to get ,hope to find ,lood out for and take upLesson Thirty-nineSmokingReviewLesson FortyAmerican VVumenReview Passive VoiceLesson Forty-oneFast Food RestaurantsConditions Contrary-to-Fact PastConditionsLesson Forty-eightNews MediaAdjectives Ending in iveNouns Ending in ityLesson Porty-nineAmerican FamilyBreak np. make up. work out. cope withhad better and would rather……thanLesson FiftyT'imeOn -time intime forom time to time andall the timeLesson Fit'ty-oneImmigrantsSince therefore,howerey although neverthelesin order to and so thatLesson Fifty-twoTeaching English as a SecondLanguageRuview