医护英文选读--附中文注释【医护英文选读--附中文注释】《医护英文选读--附中文注释》是1997年世界图书出版公司出版的图书 。
内容介绍本 书 介 绍本书旨在让读者熟悉英文书刊经常使用的医护术语与文章风格,以助于读者提高阅读医护英文的能力 。全书涵盖内容全是与个人日常生活息息相关的保健主题,举凡追求健康之道、心理调适、正确营养观念、均衡饮食与适度运动、圆融的人际发展、健全的两性关係、生育与养育、如何处理性骚扰、正确使用药物、自我照顾、完备的健检计画、认清自己的酒量、拒绝烟害、预防意外事故发生、减少环境污染,以及日趋严重的犯罪与暴力问题等 。每课均附有医护术语的字首、字尾、字根之熟记技巧与练习(BuildingMedicalTerms),例如:pneum(o)――means”lung”(肺)-itismeans”inflammation”(发炎)→pneumoitis 就是“肺炎”的意思另外,每五课还编有一回医护术语总整理,可方便读者快速複习与记忆 。阅读测验(ReadingComprehension)题型丰富,皆配合学习目标出题,计有是非题、选择题,填充题和配合题,可以让读者透过手写作答而达到学以致用的目的 。另外,翻译练习(TranslationExercise)部分可训练读者学习将中文句子完整转译成英文句子的表达技巧 。每课最后附有问题讨论(Makethischaapterworkforyou),提供各式各样的讨论主题以促使读者从被动的接受转变为主动的思考,进而获得充分Ⅳ 医读英文选读的学习成效 。●本书末附录A介绍医护术语的由来,说明医护术语的来源是出自拉丁文与希腊文、医生的名字,以及希腊罗马神话等,非常实用有趣 。另外,附录B则将本书出现过的字首、字根及字尾编成索引,以方便读者查阅使用 。作品目录[1] The Quest for Health: Your Own Responsibility[2] Psychological Fitness: Mens Sana in Corpore Sano(Healthy Mind in Healthy Body)[3] Stress: The Hassles of Daily Living[4] Nutrition: Eating to Uve vs. Living to Eat[5] Nutrients: The Building Blocks of Good HealthReview of Medical Terms, Chapters 1-5[6] Dieting and Exerdse: Two Sides to the Same Coin[7] Exercise: Ufelong Enjoyment[8] Sharing Your Life: The Intimate Relationship[9] Family: New Definition for the 90's[10] Sexual Health: Choices, Risks, ConsequencesReview of Medical Tenns, Chapters.6-10[11] Pregnancy and Parenting: A Responsibility by Choice[12] Sexual Harassment: Unwelcomed Sex[13] Drugs: Misuse and Abuse[14] Self-Care: You Are Your Own Best Doctor[15] Complete Physical Examination: What to ExpectReview of Medical Tenns, Chapters 11-15[16] Alcohol: Know Your Limits[17] Smoking: Self-Induced Health Risk[18] Avoiding Accidents: Better Safe than Sorry[19] Pollution: Understanding Environmental Hazards[20] Crime and Violence: Increasingly Urgent ProblemsReview of Medical Terms, Chapters 16-20Appendix A: A Few Words about Medical TermsAppendix B: Prefixes, Word Roots, and Suffixes Found inthis BookIndex
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