

迷你歌词【迷你歌词】一款可以自行下载并显示歌词的软体.迷你歌词是一个免费软体,目前迷你歌词可以支持播放器有winamp2, winamp3, winamp5, windows media player 9, foobar2000, QCD player(Quintessenial Player),iTunes, Musicmatch Jukebox 。
2.所有歌词均可免费下载;3.可上传歌词和喜欢此歌曲的朋友分享快乐;4.线上歌词库每日更新;5.可选择各种漂亮的外观;6.可将歌词保存到MP3档案中,兼容Windows Media Player, iTunes;7.自带的歌词编辑器,让歌词编辑更简单;8.可自动换行显示歌词;9.可自由定製各种选项;特色功能1.自动搜寻,下载歌词:可线上搜寻到最新的歌词;2.新的单行显示:採用渐变切换歌词,可边看歌词,边工作;3.鼠标点击透过+半透明+顶层视窗:迷你歌词悬浮在视窗顶层,滑鼠可点击到要工作的视窗中,不影响上网和工作;4.渐变显示为背景色:很酷的显示风格;支持软体迷你歌词支持多达19种流行的播放器WinampWindows Media PlayerFoobar2000Apple iTunesRealPlayerQuintessential PlayerMusicmatch JukeboxMediaMonkeyThe KMPlayerJetAudioYahoo! Music EngineJ. River Media CenterJ. River Media JukeboxXMPlayAIMP2AIMP3Helium Music ManagerAlbumPlayerBSPlayer下载歌词如何免费下载歌词?迷你歌词提供完全的歌词免费搜寻、下载服务,您只需:1.下载最新的迷你歌词;2.运行下载的安装程式,在安装的过程中选择您使用的播放器(如Winamp, Windows Media Player等……);3.运行您的播放器,此时迷你歌词一般会自动启动,否则请从开始选单->『迷你歌词』中运行『重新启动迷你歌词』;4.播放你喜欢的音乐,一般迷你歌词就会立即下载到歌词,或者有多首歌词提供您选择;请选择最匹配的歌词,点击『下载』即可;5.如果没有弹出任何视窗,请在右键选单中点击『下载歌词』,点击『线上搜寻』,然后选择匹配的歌词;6.请注意,在搜寻时请输入正确的歌曲标题和作者信息;上传歌词上传歌词您可以和共同喜欢此歌曲的朋友分享您製作的歌词,当然您同时也可以分享到他们製作的歌词 。如何上传歌词?1.请先到这里注册一个帐号,用此帐号,可管理上传的歌词,其他用户下载时也可以看到下载者;2.在右键选单中选择【上传歌词】->【上传歌词】,在弹出对话框中选择要上传的歌词,点击上传按钮;3.如果弹出字元编码的对话框,只需要选择【默认编码】即可(此时对话框中显示的歌词应该没有乱码);4.在弹出的登录对话框中输入您申请的帐号和密码;编辑歌词如何编辑 LRC 歌词?1、打开文本歌词,您可以在网上下载,或者通过google搜寻到文本歌词;2、在右键选单中点击“编辑歌词”,切换到编辑器;3、点击上图中绿色圈中的按钮,可以设定当前行的同步时间;4、重複步骤3,直到所有歌词行均设定了同步时间标籤;5、点击保存按钮,保存当前的歌词;注:歌词中红色部分为标籤,以下为编辑中的标籤和 LRC 标籤对应的关係:artist: = [ar:]Album: = [al:]Title: = [ti:]By: = [by:]Offset: = [offset:]版本更新MiniLyrics 7.5.23多国语言版1、新增:支持Windows Mobile/Pocket PC;2、新增:新的外观界面;3、新增:根据作者名搜寻歌词;4、修正:支持iTunes的问题;5、修正:如果歌曲为.cue档案时,保存下载的歌词的问题;6、改进:安装程式 。MiniLyrics 7.5.21New: Add glocal default lyrics encoding settings in preference advanced page.Fixed: JRiver Media Center 18 support.Fixed: A crash issue when opening lyrics.Fixed: Sometimes corrupted message may pop up while uploading lyrics.MiniLyrics 7.4.14Fixed: Crash issue while using lyrics downloader for iPod.Fixed: Crash issue while open some kind of special lyrics.MiniLyrics 7.4.12 Fixed: MiniLyrics can't get correct artist & title info for Spotify player.Fixed: MiniLyrics won't quit normally if failed to save embedded lyrics.MiniLyrics 7.4.10Fixed: The embedded lyrics saved in MP3 file may not be opened correctly by iPod, iTunes.Fixed: Some other small issues.MiniLyrics 7.4.9New: Support load embedded lyrics in .KAR files.New: Filter radio station names in media artist and title.MiniLyrics 7.4.7Fixed: The name of AIMP3 can't be detected correctly.Fixed: Fixed a crash bug.MiniLyrics 7.4.5New: Add advanced save and download lyrics in Lyrics Downloader.Improved: Support VLC 2.0Fixed: Saving embedded lyrics in AAC(M4A) file may corrupt it.MiniLyrics 7.3.918New: Support save embedded lyrics in AAC(M4A) files.Fixed: Saving embedded lyrics in AAC(M4A) file may corrupt it.Fixed: MiniLyrics window may be invisible for Embedded MiniLyrics inMediaMonkey.Improved: Add options in advanced preferences: Restore saving prompt setting for lyrics changed.MiniLyrics 7.2.865Fixed: MiniLyrics may crash when switching skins.MiniLyrics 7.2.861Fixed: Choosing player window may pop up when startingMediaMonkey, Winamp.Fixed: Lyrics scrolling status for text lyrics files.Some other minor issues.MiniLyrics 7.2.814New: new UI of Lyrics Downloader for iPod. New: Skin 'Metal'Fixed: Bug of saving lyrics via iTunes.Fixed: Recover the original feature of saving embedded in MiniLyrics.Optimized: The lyrics display for text lyrics (no timestamps lyrics).Fixed: Some other small issues.MiniLyrics 7.1.793Fixed: The default saving lyrics directory may be incorrect.MiniLyrics 7.1.782Fixed: SupportMediaMonkeyunicode API (Can display none-English lyrics now).Fixed: Support for Windows Media Player Visualization.Fixed: Set shortcut key bug.New: Add setting of not showing MiniLyrics on taskbar or system tray.MiniLyrics 7.1.778Fixed: Failed to start with Winamp, if Winamp's skin is applied.MiniLyrics 7.1.776Fixed: Display lyrics support Hindi languageImproved: Add auto fill lyrics tag in lyrics editor.MiniLyrics 7.1.774New: iPod Lyrics Downloader, download embedded lyrics in bulk.New: Displaying lyrics support Arabic (right-to-left) and Thai languages.New: MusicBee supportImproved: MiniLyrics installation program, install MiniLyrics plugin more easily.Fixed: Skip to next song in J.R Media Center when MiniLyrics skin is applied.Fixed: Some crash issues.MiniLyrics 7.0.676New: Support AIMP3Fixed: Support unicode for Winamp (Winamp title may be ??? while playing Chinese or Japanese song files). MiniLyrics 7.0.649New: Support Logitech G15 Keyboard LCD.Fixed: Incorrect tag information may be read on iTunes in a certain conditions.MiniLyrics 7.0.643Fixed: Drawing issue of embedded MiniLyrics in MediaMonkey.Fixed: Support SongBird 1.8Fixed: Support VLC 1.1.4Fixed: Support J. River Media Jukebox and Media Center.Fixed: Font choosing issue.MiniLyrics 7.0.615MiniLyrics server is under DDoS attack recently, new version can prevent the attack, upgrading is strongly recommended.Fixed: Support VLC 1.1Fixed: Bug of choosing character encoding when uploading lyrics.Fixed: The display style of floating lyrics will be changed if text lyrics is opened.MiniLyrics 7.0.604New: The "Windows 7" skin, support Windows 7 Aero feature.Improved: The UI styles of skins.Fixed: Bug of saving themes.Fixed: Some other UI drawing bugs.MiniLyrics 7.0.597Improved: The appearance of skins.Fixed: Offset tag will be overwrite by "By" tag in lyrics editor.Fixed: Play/Pause button won't change with player in WMP.Fixed: Lyrics displaying bug of Extended LRC format.MiniLyrics 7.0.590New: Support Media Player Classic Home Cinema.Fixed: Lyrics disappeared in "Floating lyrics". Fixed: Improve the "search lyrics window".Fixed: some other small issues.MiniLyrics 7.0.579Upgrading is strongly recommended.Improve: Add buttons to disable/enable record lyrics scrolling actions.Fixed: Bug of lyrics drawing.Fixed: Bug of high performance cost on particular occasion.Fixed: Bug of saving lyrics scrolling actions.MiniLyrics 7.0.571New: Record the scrolling action of lyrics for text lyrics, and replay it again.Improved: Prevent the player to playing next track, if lyrics editor is opened and lyrics changedImproved: Add "MiniLyrics" item in Winamp menu.MiniLyrics 7.0.563Improved: the static lyrics display style.Fixed: Minimize / Restore with iTunes.Fixed: Some other issues.MiniLyrics 7.0.538New: new skin "MiniLyrics" and skin styles.New: Simple and easy way to record and reply lyrics scrolling actions.Fixed: Retrieving ID3v2 tag and album info in XMPlay.Fixed: Some bugs in Lyrics Editor.MiniLyrics 6.8.429Improved: Add tooltip in advanced setting items.Improved: Lyrics editor color settings are moved to lyrics editor window.Improved: Scale background image in lyrics auto.Improved: Add catalog in preference advanced items.Improved: Add global lyrics displaying delay time setting. Fixed: Embedded skin color theme can't be saved.Fixed: When lyrics character encoding is changed, no prompt message is popped up.Fixed: Save embedded lyrics in Songbird Player.Fixed: Bug of adjusting time with down/up arrow in lyrics editor.MiniLyrics 6.7.411New: Support Foobar2000 1.0Fixed: Lyrics downloading information interrupts the lyrics displaying.Fixed: Saving embedded lyrics in mp3 file of songbird.Optimized: Options of Lyrics background picture preferences.Optimized: The settings of Lyrics color.Optimized: Displaying vertical scrolling lyrics.MiniLyrics 6.7.396New: SupportSpotifyplayer.Improved: MiniLyrics preferences.Fixed: Some small bugs in lyrics editor.MiniLyrics 6.7.390New: Support Zune softwareImproved: New lyrics editor user interface.Fixed: Some other small issues.MiniLyrics 6.6.333Upgrading is strongly recommended (Especailly for iTunes & WMP users).Improved: Download LRC lyrics, if local lyrics is text lyrics.Improved: Support iTunes 9.0Improved: Support Right-to-left language (Arabic/Hebrew) lyrics displaying.Fixed: Bug of saving ID3v2 synchronized lyrics (Compatibility with Windows Media Player)Fixed: Saving setting of check new version at startup. MiniLyrics 6.6.320New: Support VLC media Player 1.0.New: New local hotkey settings.Improved: Optimized the lyrics display CPU cost.Improved: Lyrics editor.Fixed: Lyrics displaying fade out bug.MiniLyrics 6.5.281New: Support Songbird.Fixed: Sometime MiniLyrics will crashes WMP and iTunes.MiniLyrics 6.5.278Fixed: If lyrics editor is opened, when changing skin, MiniLyrics will crash.MiniLyrics 6.5.275Improved: Only enable click through on inactive mode.Improved: Optimized the preferences.Improved: Add advanced save options to select text encoding.Improved: Remove rate lyrics link.Fixed: Lyrics text display bug in editor when anti-alias option is on.Fixed: Long file name bug in MediaMonkey.Fixed: Get Foobar2000 playing song file name bug.Fixed: MiniLyrics can't restart in iTunes.Fixed: Can't save "Winamp's" skin setting.Fixed: Cause Quintessential Media Player crash bug.MiniLyrics 6.4.212New: Add Floating lyrics for default.Fixed: Save Lyrics3v2 lyrics in ANSI format.Fixed: Some translation bugs for localization.Improved: Save Transparent with mouse click through settings.MiniLyrics 6.3.176New: Support VLC Player. Improved: Floating lyrics and lyrics bar mode of skins.Fixed: memory leak on loading Album Art.Fixed: Context menu in lyrics editorFixed: The option of not checking new version can't be appliedFixed: Caret drawing bug.Fixed: The scrollbar of lyrics editor is not available in "Windows" Skin.MiniLyrics 6.3.3762Upgrading is strongly recommended.Fixed: memory leaks.Fixed: Can't display lyrics, when playing the shared music in iTunes.Fixed: Lyrics association bug.Fixed: Lyrics searching folder settings can't be saved.Fixed: Under some critical conditions, the uninstall program can't remove MiniLyrics completely.Fixed: Saving lyrics with incorrect file name, if the song file name has more than 1 dot.Fixed: Sometimes crashes XMPlay.Improved: MiniLyrics can be installed on USB hard drive or flash drive.MiniLyrics 6.1.3730Upgrading is strongly recommended.Fixed: text anti-aliasing bug.Fixed: Foobar2000 compatible bug.Fixed: Remember the minimized status of Main Window.Fixed: Fix accelerate key bugFixed: Compatible problem on Winamp Remote music.MiniLyrics 6.1.3723New: Use 80 port as lyrics search service.New: Dual lyrics search servers backup.Fixed: Floating lyrics align position. MiniLyrics 6.0.3706New: New skin engine and fantasy skin.New: Floating lyrics.New: New color theme design and blending options of lyrics text.Improved: High rating lyrics will be preferred while searching.Fixed: Support Foobar2000 0.95.MiniLyrics 5.7.3418New: Support outline lyrics text.New: Support slideshow background.New: Load album art as background picture if possible.New: Add an options to "Display/Hide artist, album and title info of lyrics".Fixed: Some ID3v2 unsynchronized lyrics can't be recognized by MiniLyrics.Fixed: Sync lyrics line with F7 key on Windows Media Player.Fixed: Press UP and DOWN key to move up/down lyrics on Winamp5.Fixed: Several missing translation strings.Fixed: Remove redundant blank lines of text lyrics.