黄志纾( 三 )

Chem. Commun.2015,51,198-201.
Discovery of a new fluorescent light-up probe specific to parallel G-quadruplexes,Chem. Commun.2014,50, 12173 - 12176.
Development of a new colorimetric and red-emitting fluorescent dual probe for G-quadruplex nucleic acids,Chem. Commun.2014,50, 6927 - 6930.
Rutaecarpine analogues reduce lipid accumulation in adipocytes via inhibiting adipogenesis/lipogenesis with AMPK activation and UPR suppression,ACS Chem. Biol.2013,8, 2301-2311.
Development of a universal colorimetric indicator for G-quadruplex structures by the fusion of thiazole orange andisaindigotone skeleton,Anal. Chem.2012,84, 6288–6292.
Inhibition of cell proliferation by quindoline derivative (SYUIQ-05) through its preferential interaction withc-mycpromoter G-quadruplex,J. Med. Chem.2011,54, 5671-5679.
Effective detection and separation method for G-quadruplex DNA based on its specific precipitation with Mg2+,Biomacromolecules2010,11, 3384-3389.
Turning off transcription of the bcl-2 gene by stabilizing thebcl-2promoter Quadruplex with Quindoline Derivatives,J. Med. Chem.2010,53, 4390-4398.
Isaindigotone derivatives: A new class of highly selective ligands for telomeric G-quadruplex DNA,J. Med. Chem.2009,52, 2825-2835.
5-N-Methylated quindoline derivatives as telomeric G-quadruplex stabilizing ligands: effects of 5-Npositive charge on quadruplex binding affinity and cell proliferation,J. Med. Chem.2008,51, 6381-6392.
Stabilization of G-quadruplex DNA and down-regulation of oncogene c-myc by quindoline derivatives,J. Med. Chem.2007,50, 1465-1474.
Senescence and telomere shortening induced by novel potent G-quadruplex interactive agents, quindoline derivatives, in human cancer cell lines,Oncogene2006,25, 503-511.
Synthesis and evaluation of quindoline derivatives as G-quadruplex inducing and stabilizing ligands and potential inhibitors of telomerase,J. Med. Chem.2005,48, 7315-7321.
获奖记录“教研融合—药学、化学相关专业本科生物化学立体化课程教学体系的创建与实践”,2017年广东省教学成果一等奖,第一完成人 。