Wait a Minute!

Wait a Minute!【Wait a Minute!】《Wait a Minute!》是由维罗·史密斯录唱的一首歌曲,被收录在维罗·史密斯的录音室专辑《Ardipithecus》 。
Wait a minute!等等I think I left my conscience on your front door step我猜在走进你的门廊的瞬间我便已迷失Oh oh Wait a minute!让我缓缓I think I left my consciousness in the 6th dimension我的思绪早已飞到了时空第六维But I'm here right now, right now可我的身体还在你眼前Just sitting in a cloud, oh wow虽然(身体)也像云般轻飘I'm here right now, right now with you, oh wow, oh wow只因你在身旁 。I don't even care不顾一切的我Run my hands through your hair任由手指与你的髮丝纠缠You wanna run your fingers through mine你也将十指深入我的发间But my dreads too thick and that's alright虽然我感到慌乱但不至于停下来Hold on, wait a minute!等等Feel my heart's intention感受到我内心的渴望Hold on, wait a minute!让我缓一缓I left my consciousness in the 6th dimension我的思维已经飘去了第六维Left my soul in his vision而我的灵魂也因他沉迷Let's go get it, oh, oh开动吧Let's go get it, oh, oh我已经準备好Some things don't work有些事注定跌跌撞撞Some things are bound to be有些事就是顺理成章Some things, they hurt有些事给人伤痛And they tear apart me让我痛彻心扉You left your diary at my house你的日记忘到了我的家里And I read those pages, you really love me, baby我看了那些字句,你是真的爱我Some things don't work有些事真的不适合Some things are bound to be有些事恰巧能契合Some things, they hurt有些事让人受伤And they tear apart me让我痛彻心扉But I broke my word, and you were bound to see可我为你打破我的誓言,而你值得And I cried at the curb当你第一次对我说“眼相见,心相连”When you first said "Oel ngati kameie"我在街边热泪盈眶Hold on, wait a minute!等等Feel my heart's intention感受到我内心的渴望Hold on, wait a minute!让我缓一缓I left my consciousness in the 6th dimension我的思维已经飘去了第六维Left my soul in his vision而我的灵魂也因他沉迷Let's go get it, oh, oh开动吧Let's go get it, oh, oh我已经準备好Some people lie to me有些人不够诚心Some just tryin' to get by有些人只是将就Some people I can't hurt有些人我伤不了Some just rather say goodbye, bye有些人连理都不想理Hold on, wait a minute!等等Feel my heart's intention感受到我内心的渴望Hold on, wait a minute!让我缓一缓I left my consciousness in the 6th dimension我的思维已经飘去了第六维Left my soul in his vision而我的灵魂也因他沉迷Let's go get it, oh, oh开动吧Let's go get it, oh, oh我已经準备好