

苹果英语:大学英语4级晨读菁华【苹果英语:大学英语4级晨读菁华】《苹果英语:大学英语4级晨读菁华(英汉对照珍藏版)》精选70多篇适合四级考生和英语爱好者晨读的英语文章(部分选文四级阅读真题题源取材),配上权威、精準的中文译文,并在文后对文章中的四级必备辞彙、长难句以及与文章作者或主题相关的背景知识进行了独到、精妙的点拨,帮助读者扫清理解障碍,掌握四级必备知识 。另外,《苹果英语:大学英语4级晨读菁华(英汉对照珍藏版)》附赠一张配套MP3光碟,方便读者练习,强化各项能力 。
语种:简体中文, 英语
内容简介《苹果英语:大学英语4级晨读菁华(英汉对照珍藏版)》为“苹果英语”四级系列,指导读者阅读、欣赏、背诵书中文章 。每天只须花几十分钟晨读《苹果英语:大学英语四级晨读菁华(英汉对照珍藏版)》,读者在享受蕩涤心灵的精神spa的同时,自己的各项英语技能和四级应试能力还能在潜移默化中得到提高 。图书目录Unit 1 心灵美文 Happiness Is a Journey 幸福是个过程 The Art of Forgiveness 宽恕的艺术 Like Yourself More 喜欢自己多一点 The Wholeness of Life 人生的完整 Mirror, Mirror--What Do I See 镜子,镜子,告诉我 The Rose Within 内心深处的玫瑰 Everything Is Everything 一切就是一切 What Are the "Big Rocks" in Your Life? 什幺是你生命中的“大石头”? The Road to Happiness (Excerpts) 幸福之道(节选) The Melody of Life 生命的乐章 Hour in the Sun 阳光下的时光 Clear Your Mental Space 清理心灵空间 The Two Roads 两条道路 The Hospital Window 医院的窗户 Free to Soar 自由翱翔 Treat Everyday Life Positively 积极对待每一天 Unit 2精彩演讲 I Have a Dream (Excerpts) 我有一个梦想(节选) Unleashing the Power of Creativity and Intelligence (Excerpts) 释放你的创造力和聪明才智(节选) 03 The Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演说 Inaugural Speech by Nelson Mandela (Excerpts) 纳尔逊·曼德拉的就职演说(节选) Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat 热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水 Franklin D. Roosevelt: First Inaugural Address (Excerpts) 富兰克林·罗斯福的首次就职演说(节选) William Faulkner: Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech (Excerpts) 威廉·福克纳的诺贝尔奖获奖致辞(节选) The Road to Success 成功之路 The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination (Excerpts) 失败的好处和想像力的重要性(节选) The Flame of French Resistance (Excerpts) 法国抗战的烽火(节选) Unit 3经典重温 What I Have Lived for? 我为何而生? On Affection 论爱 Of Studies (Excerpts) 论读书(节选) Born to Win (Excerpts) 生而为赢(节选) Solitude (Excerpts) 独处(节选) Smile (Excerpts) 微笑(节选) Youth 青春 A Free Man's Worship (Excerpts) 自由人的信仰(节选) On Peace of Mind 论内心的宁静 How to Grow Old (Excerpts) 如何步入老年(节选) Unit 4新鲜时文 What Pets Can Teach Us About Marriage 宠物给我们的关于婚姻的启示 The Real Avatar: Body Transfer Turns Men into Girls 真正的化身:身体转换将男人变成女孩 Unconscious Purchasing Urges Revealed by Brain Scans 脑部扫描揭示人类无意识的购买慾 For Women, Beauty Isn't Always an Advantage 女人 。美貌不能走遍天下 The Discovery of Energy 发现能量 Friends Are Worth More than a New Ferrari 朋友比法拉利价更高 Can Exercise Make Kids Smarter? 体育锻鍊能让孩子变得更聪明吗? We Need New Teaching Methods 我们需要新的教学方法 Brain Games Played on Computer or Video Game Systems Don't Actually Make You Smarter “益智”类电脑或视频游戏不能真正使你更聪明 Obesity Costs Women More, Study Finds 研究表明:肥胖给女性造成的 损失更大 DNA Helps Catch Poachers DNA帮助捕获偷猎者 The Mathematical Marriage Predictor 婚姻预测方程式 A Simple Yet Radical Way to Save the Tigers 拯救老虎:一个简单却根本的方法 Vitamin C May Boost Mood in Acute Care Patients 维生素c可以改善急症护理病人的情绪 Do We Need $75,000 a Year to Be Happy? 年收入25万美元才能幸福吗? Two New Dinosaur Species Discovered in Utah 美国犹他州发现两个恐龙新物种 When Good Sleep Habits Aren't Enough 良好的睡眠习惯都不管 用时怎幺办? Solar Powered Cars 太阳能汽车 Do Other Animals Besides Humans Cry? 动物也会哭吗? The Tax-cut Deal 减税协定 Techies as the Person of the Year Are Rare 科技精英被评为年度人物实属罕见 What Makes Us Happy? 幸福从哪里来? Global Celebrity Culture Is Fuelling Our Crippling "Fear of Insignificance", Warns Psychologist 心理学家警告:全球名人文化加重世人“卑微之忧” Ups and Downs of Love 爱情与体重 Unit 5真题精华 Michelle Obama 米歇尔·欧巴马 A Strand of Hair 一缕头髮 Privacy in the Internet Era 网路时代的隐私 Women Tend to Live Longer than Men 女性往往比男性长寿 How to Write 如何写作 Bottled Water 瓶装水 Different Ways of Communicating 不同的交流方式 Modern Technologies Make Life Harder for Car Thieves 现代技术使偷车贼的日子越来越难过 The Black Box 黑匣子 Giving Kids Space 给孩子空间 Recruiting Abroad 面向海外招聘人才 The Fate of the Automotive Sector 汽车行业的命运 Global Warming 全球变暖 How to Say Sorry 如何说对不起