介绍一个地方的格式,介绍一个人 英语作文


介绍一个地方的格式,介绍一个人 英语作文

【介绍一个地方的格式,介绍一个人 英语作文】I love to travel the world. Through all my travels I have seen many grand sights and sounds, and every one of them was unforgettable. However, of all the places I've seen, the city of Hong Kong left the deepest impression in my mind. It was an wonderful experience seeing a city so close yet so different. Hong Kong with its mixture of different peoples from different backgrounds is a change from my hometown, its impressive high rise buildings and the kindness of it inhabitants were awe-inspiring. The city lights at night rivaled any fireworks display I've ever seen. My time there has shown that we as citizens of the planet can indeed come together, live in peace and through our combined effort achieve great things.
介绍一个人 英语作文
介绍一个地方的格式,介绍一个人 英语作文

this is my friend,she name is Judy. her is 12.her think the most interesting class is;music.the most difficult class is math .the most exciting sport is play basketball.
her hobby is play the piano.
this is my friend,he name is jack. his is 12.his think the most interesting class is;music.the most difficult class is math .the most exciting sport is play basketball.
his hobby is play the piano.
介绍一个少数民族 。要有风俗习惯 。100字左右
介绍一个地方的格式,介绍一个人 英语作文

土家族绝大部分居住在湖南永顺、龙山、保靖、古丈以及湖北省来凤、利川、鹤峰、咸丰、宜恩一带及四川省 。自称“毕兹卡”(意为本地人) 。
土家族有自已的语言,大多数人通汉语,目前只有几个聚居区还保留着土家语 。没有本民族文字,通用汉文 。崇拜祖先,信仰多神 。
主要从事农业 。织绣艺术是土家族妇女的传统工艺 。土家族的传统工艺还有雕刻、绘画、剪纸、蜡染等 。土家织锦又称“西兰卡普”,是中国三大名锦之一 。
土家族爱唱山歌,山歌有情歌、哭嫁歌、摆手歌、劳动歌、盘歌等 。传统舞蹈有“摆手舞”、“八宝铜铃舞”及歌舞“茅古斯” 。乐器有唢呐、木叶、“咚咚喹”、“打家伙”等 。
介绍一个地方的格式,介绍一个人 英语作文

回族是中国分布最广的少数民族,主要聚居于宁夏回族自治区 。全民主要的生活方式为伊斯兰,在居住较集中的地方建有清真寺生活,习俗固守回族传统,遵循教规,讲究卫生,回族人忌食猪肉、狗肉、马肉、驴肉和骡肉,不吃未经信仰伊斯兰教者宰杀的和自死的畜禽肉,不吃动物的血等 回族有小集中、大分散的居住特点 。回族服饰最显著的特征便是:回族特点的穆斯林服饰——男子多带小白帽,女子带各种花色的头巾 。