

开始健身中心【开始健身中心】《开始健身中心》是一款IOS平台的套用,支持iOS4.0及以上版本 。
套用介绍此应用程式包含了基于层次计画运行您的健康的生活 。其实有多种所以没有计画将是相同的,确保您不会失去你的热情 。它是通过一个巧妙的匈牙利捷尔吉教练谁Turos提出了许多成功的竞争者组装 。其中最成功的亚历山德拉BERES,梅艳芳OLAH匈牙利,欧洲和世界冠军健身,琼戈尔Kocsis的重物卧推世界冠军,Dorottya内梅特健美世界冠军,Emese Eross和Szilvia哩匈牙利健美冠军 。该计画的独创性是他们确保与不同的练习工作负载的相同水平,使你总是刺激你的身体进行开发 。这是,私密的一个导致在专业的健身世界上伟大的成功故事,现在暴露在你使用它在家里或在您喜欢的健身房 。这次演习呈现给您Szilvia哩匈牙利健美冠军 。你只需要按照Szilvia,这样你就可以集中精力只变动 。你会通过你的锻鍊与一个易于使用的培训计画的球员进行指导 。当你完成了一系列只需触控萤幕幕和玩家计算你的一系列措施,你的休息时间 。该应用程式的特点: - 选择3,4,5,每周训练计画6天 - 从7个级别的选择 。- 超过120个练习由Szilvia哩匈牙利健美冠军展示 - 这些练习给你各种培训计画的腰 - 与解剖指南的练习,以帮助您确定目标区域的详细解释 - 独特的培训计画的球员将引导您逐步完成你的政权步骤,你只需要专注于运动和肌肉 。- 的建议休息时间测量This application contains level based plan to run you up for a healthier life. In fact with a variety so no plan will be the same ensuring you won't lose your enthusiasm. It is assembled by an ingenious Hungarian trainer Gyorgy Turos who made many successful competitors. Among them the most successful Alexandra Béres, Anita Oláh Hungarian, European and world fitness champions, Csongor Kocsis heavy weight bench press world champion, Dorottya Németh fitness world champion, Emese Eross and Szilvia Mile Hungarian fitness champions. The ingenuity of the plans are they ensuring the same level of work load with different exercises so you always stimulate your body for development. This is one of the secretes lead to the great success stories in the professional fitness world and now exposed to you to use it at home or in your favourite gym. The exercises presented to you by Szilvia Mile Hungarian fitness champion. You only need to follow Szilvia, so you can concentrate on the movements only. You will be guided through your workout with an easy to use training plan player. When you finished the series just touch the screen and the player counts your series measures your rest time. Features of the application: - selection of 3, 4, 5, 6 days per week training plans - selection from 7 levels. - over 120 exercises presented by Szilvia Mile Hungarian fitness champion - these exercises give you a waist of variety of training plans - detailed explanation of the exercises with anatomy guide to help you identify the targeted area - the unique training plan player will guide you through your regime step by step so you only need to concentrate on the movement and your muscles. - measurement of the advised rest time