Laura Story演唱歌曲 Grace

Laura Story演唱歌曲 Grace

Grace(Laura Story演唱歌曲)【Laura Story演唱歌曲 Grace】《Grace》是歌手Laura Story演唱的一首歌 , 所属专辑是《Great God Who Saves 》 , 属于轻音乐 。
所属专辑:《Great God Who Saves 》
歌曲原唱:Laura Story
填词:Luara Story
编曲:Laura Story
音乐风格:轻音乐 , 基督福音
Laura Story演唱歌曲 Grace

歌手: Laura Story专辑:《Great God Who Saves 》发行: 2008-03-18语言:英语流派:Christian & GospelLaura Story来自美国 , 是一位以基督流行为主要风格的创作歌手 , 曾在一支基督摇滚乐队Silers Bald担任贝司手 。她曾经多是以美式乡村的风格以及基督福音风格来演唱歌曲 。离开曾经的乐队后 , 选择了自己写歌曲自己创作 , 但风格主要以轻音乐和抒情的方向发展了 。歌曲歌词My heart is so proud.我是如此骄傲My mind is so unfocused.又是如此迷茫I see the things You do through me我看见你透过我 , As great things I have done成就了各种大事 。And now You gently break me,但如今你温柔地将我击碎Then lovingly You take me然后又爱怜地抱起我And hold me as my Father and mold me as my Maker.如父亲般拥抱我,如陶匠般塑造我 。I ask You: "How many times will You pick me up,我问你说 , “当我一直让你失望的时候When I keep on letting You down?你还会有多少次像这样抱起我?And each time I will fall short of Your glory,每一次我都不能荣耀你的圣名How far will forgiveness abound?"你还会原谅我几次呢?”And You answer: "My child, I love you.你回答说:“我的孩子 , 我爱你And as long as you're seeking My face,只要注视着我的脸You'll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace你将会在我圣慈之光的照耀下继续前行”At times I may grow weak有时我会变得不堪一击and feel a bit discouraged,也会感到些许沮丧Knowing that someone,我知道在某个地方somewhere Could do a better job.会有某个人比我做的更好For who am I to serve You?我是为了谁来侍候你呢?I know I don't deserve You.我知道我配不上你And that's the part that burns in my heart但你已在我心中播下火种 , And keeps me hanging on激励我继续前行 。I ask You: "How many times will You pick me up,我问你说 , “当我一直让你失望的时候When I keep on letting You down?你还会有多少次像这样抱起我?And each time I will fall short of Your glory,每一次我都不能荣耀你的圣名How far will forgiveness abound?"你还会原谅我几次呢?”And You answer: "My child, I love you你回答说:“我的孩子 , 我爱你And as long as you're seeking My face,只要注视着我的脸You'll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace你将会在我圣慈之光的照耀下继续前行you are so Patient with me, Lord.主啊 , 你对我是如此的耐心As I work with You, I'm learning当我追随你的时候 , 我明白了what Your grace really means.慈悲的真正意义The price that I could never pay那我永远偿还不尽的代价was paid at Calvary.已被你偿还在了加略地So, instead of trying to repay You,因此 , 我不再试图回报你I'm learning to simply obey You而是学着简单地顺从你By giving up my life to You For all that giving to me将自己的生命献上 , 只为你所做的一切 。I ask You: "How many times will You pick me up,我问你说 , “当我一直让你失望的时候When I keep on letting You down?你还会有多少次像这样抱起我?And each time I will fall short of Your glory,每一次我都不能荣耀你的圣名 How far will forgiveness abound?"你还会原谅我几次呢?”And You answer: "My child, I love you.你回答说:“我的孩子 , 我爱你And as long as you're seeking My face,只要注视着我的脸You'll walk in the power在我圣慈之光的照耀下of My daily sufficient grace."你将会继续前行”