大学体验英语扩展教程(第二版)【第二版 大学体验英语扩展教程】《大学体验英语扩展教程(第二版)》是高等教育出版社出版的图书,作者是余渭深 。
作者:余渭深 大学体验英语项目组
ISBN:9787040216486 [十位:7040216485]
内容提要:《大学体验英语扩展教程》在在语言基础训练中加大听力和口语的学习内容,加强实用阅读、实用会话、实用写作的训练,培养学习者英语综合运用能力和在涉外交际中的实用表达能力 。同时选文短小精悍,生动有趣,便于听、说、读、写、译的训练;练习设计层层深入,通过训练达到学懂、会用的教学目的 。图书目录:Unit 1 Men and Women's prejudicesMen Move in Wake of Wives'JobsMale Fear of PhysiciansUnit 2 CultureExcuses,ExcusesAppreciating Cultural Differences Makes Good Business SenseUnit 3 CopyrightThe Pitfalls of IPR for the PoorSeveral Hot Internet Copyright IssuesUnit 4 Language and EconomyPlanet Web:The Language GapA Stateless Language That Europe Must EmbraceSelf-Assessment Test(Unit 1-Unit 4)Unit 5 Business EthicsBusiness EthicsShaking Hands on the WebUnit 6 Psychological HealthWomen at Midlife:Staying Fit,HappyTough but So ExhilaratingUnit 7 Hopes and Fears for the futureHopes and Fears for TomorrowInsurance-Why Worry About It…Unit 8 Globalization-For and AgainstGlobal MonocultureThe Next World War Will Be About WaterSelf-assessment Test(Unit 5-Unit 8)Self-assessment Test(Unit 1-Unit 8)Reference Keys to ExercisesTranslation for ReferenceGlossaryPhrasesProper Names……
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