

大学英语4级考试标準阅读80篇【大学英语4级考试标準阅读80篇】《大学英语4级考试标準阅读80篇》内容简介:新生代阅读,最最佳化设计 。20个单元,每单元一个主题,包括一篇快速阅读、一篇篇章辞彙或短句问答、两篇篇章阅读 。20个单元,每篇文章点拨辞彙、分析难句、全文翻译、引导精读,每个题目分析设定、发现线索、原文定位、培养思路、贴身最佳化您的练习方法,全面最佳化您的複习效率 。
语种:英语, 简体中文
ISBN:7801467140, 9787801467140
内容简介《大学英语4级考试标準阅读80篇》: CET-4·710分新题型 50%考生时间有限,需对複习进行最佳化 十项设题标準把关 给出全文译文点拨做题思路 分析长句难句 熟悉语境辞彙 解析全面 引导精练,做一篇提高一篇 稳定思路,考场上从容不迫 最新热点,短时间全部熟悉 一天一套,二十天完成热身 最佳化练习方法 最佳化做题思路 最佳化文章选材 最佳化複习效率媒体推荐长喜阅读,文章的难度、题目的难度都和我们做的真题基本一致,感觉很标準 。做了这样的阅读,到了考场上,我们就不会感到紧张、害怕,有一种平时练习的感觉 。真的谢谢长喜英语 。——南京大学 张鸣鱼 长喜阅读,选的文章很标準,语体、题材、长度都和大纲上写的一样,设的题目很标準,有深度、有考点、有逻辑,和老师讲的真题题目一样的感觉,做这样的阅读,很能锻鍊我们思维 。——复旦大学 曲一波 长喜阅读,每篇文章都有全文翻译、结构剖析、难句点拨,主题辞彙等,每个题目不仅有答案解析,还给出做题思路,让我们做一篇、提高一篇,对我们坚持精读、培养思路有很好帮助 。——武汉大学 许文图书目录Unit 1 儿童教育 Unit 2 经济现象 Unit 3 学校教育 Unit 4 自然资源 Unit 5 法律道德 Unit 6 企业战略 Unit 7 发明研究 Unit 8 和谐世界 Unit 9 生活百态 Unit 10 商业研究 Unit 11 安全问题 Unit 12 环境保护 Unit 13 体育运动 Unit 14 就业职场 Unit 15 社会教育 Unit 16 各种压力 Unit 17 车辆交通 Unit 18 人类科学 Unit 19 文化礼仪 Unit 20 心理现象文摘The old assumption that foster children suffered from the same barriers as oth-er economically disadvantaged children suggested that the only solution was to im-prove the school experience for all poor children and that there was nothing thechild welfare system could do. But this recent research and our own experience indeveloping Safe and Smart suggest that child welfare professionals can addressmany of the special challenges that foster children face.Obstacles to Educational Success No adult in the foster care system wants children to do poorly in school;they often just don ' t think about school very much. When we talked with foster chil-dren, many told us that the only time their foster parents, caseworkers, judges, orlawyers paid attention to how they were doing in school was when they were mis-behaving or failing to attend. And sometimes they did not get noticed by the adultsaround them even then. School is forgotten or treated as a side issue as the adultsworry about protecting children from neglect or abuse, finding them new homes,or transferring them if a placement does not work out. So the first challenge is topay attention and to look at the special obstacles foster children face in trying toget an education, many of them unknowingly created by the adults.Lack of Continuity in Education For children in care, placement —— and subsequent changes in their foster careresidence ——of ten means a change of school as well. Most research shows thattransfers have a harmful effect on educational outcomes. The absence of requiredschool records or other documents can lead to a delay in registering at the newschool and a gap of days or weeks in learning.序言今年,四级考试结束后,我们对北京、西安、上海、武汉一些考生做了访谈,说起阅读,他们异口同声: 文章难 。平时做了那幺多阅读,上场还是感觉那幺难,陌生辞彙、长难句子,处处牵绊,读来步步维艰 。时间紧 。文章感觉难,处处遭牵绊,阅读速度自然上不去,时间一下格外紧张,到后面,几乎没时间读完 。手脚乱 。文章难、时间紧,做题一下子变得手忙脚乱、全无章法,而手脚乱、没章法更加剧了时间紧张 。考场阅读如此艰涩、如此忙乱,皆因平时阅读不会读、不会练——80%以上的考生不知如何练阅读: 读而不精——一篇篇测试自己,而不是提高自己 。阅读做得不少,可每一篇,都仅仅是在做题,答案对完,也就完了 。陌生辞彙没有好好掌握,长句难句没有好好分析,这次卡壳,下次还是卡壳 。做而不思——只追求得出答案,不梳理做题思路 。题目做完后,不想着总结一下这个题目设题环节在哪、如何定位原文、如何整合信息、如何得出答案,不能形成自己一套稳定清晰的做题思路 。读而不精、提高不快,才会做了很多阅读,上场还是感觉文章难做而不思、思路不稳,才会做了很多题目,上场还是出现手脚乱 。要想场上行云流水,场下就应多做精读——做一篇提高一篇 。要想场上从容不迫,场下就应稳定思路一理清思路,有章有法 。