

国际注册财务策划师公会【国际注册财务策划师公会】国际财务策划师公会 IARFP(Internatiaonal Association of Registered Financial Planners)是全球範围颁授注册财务策划师资格名衔的专业机构,也是世界上IARFP的唯一使用者 ,最早制定并颁布IARFP职业标準的团体之一 。目前除英国外,RFP 会员遍布80多个国家和地区,包括在中国大陆已拥有8000多名会员 。本会的主要宗旨是为社会提供专业认可的财务策划人才,并为这些专业的财务策划师授予注册会员资格 。
外文名:Internatiaonal Association of Registered Financial Planners
中文名: 注册财务策划师
外文名: Registered Financial Planners
互惠协定公会还与英国财务会计师公会(IFA,1916)、澳洲国家会计师公会(NIA,1923)、香港特许风险管理师协会CRMA、英国博尔顿大学(Bolton,1896)、中国的对外经济贸易大学、华南理工大学等达成豁免政策,IRFP会员可以得到更多的学习机会 。公会在俄罗斯、加拿大、南非、香港、新加坡及马来西亚、中国台湾等地区均设有联络处,帮助会员联繫、交流、提供谘询、以及工作协助 。教学分点对外经济贸易大学University of International Business and Economics华南理工大学SouthChinaUniversityofTechnology上海交通大学ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity浙江大学ZhejiangUniversity武汉大学WuHanUniversity湖南大学HunanUniversity江西财经大学JiangxiUniversityofFinanceandEconomics公会会籍财务策划师(AIRFP)The Financial Planning Technician has an important role to play, either as support staff to the professional (where they undertake sub professional work in the field of financial management) or by taking the role of private banking in a smaller organisation, where an outsourced professional accountant provides the service of supervision and monitoring. The RFPI offers this technician grade qualification to individuals who, for whatever reason, are unable to continue or do not wish to continue with their studies. A Financial Planning Technician may use the designatory letters ARFP, and the title Incorporated Associate Financial Planner.注册财务策划师(IRFP)This is the first level of professional membership offered to individuals who have not yet completed the full examination structure but possess the relevant professional work experience. A Full member of RFPI has the level of competency considered necessary to complete the final Financial Planning of a business. They will have the ability to interpret Financial Planning, which will assist in day to day management decisions. A Full Member may use the designatory letters RFP.高级注册财务策划师(FIRFP)This is the final level of the RFPI qualification and demonstrates competence in all aspects of financial management plus the strategic management skills. Fellows will have completed the full examination structure and have a minimum of three years experience in a senior financial planning capacity. A Fellow Member may use the designatory letters SRFP.