

套用介绍为iOS LeanKit板在你的LeanKit帐户你的iPad,iPhone或iPod Touch的互动是最好的方式 。你做什幺,你的队友在几秒钟内世界各地的应用程式更新,无论他们使用的应用程式或网页浏览器版本 。直观的手势让你捏和缩放迅速集中在你的工作的部分或缩小以获得大画面 。为iOS下载LeanKit的,一个完美的补充现有的LeanKit帐户 。该应用程式可与现有的所有账户,包括免费的基本版,以及免费的30天试验的超值服务 。主要特点: 新:这是第一次,查看您的整个电路板从你的iPhone或iPod touch,就像在iPad上的应用程式 查看,创建,更新,移动,删除,和直接发表评论卡内的应用程式 拖放动作卡(轻触并按住,然后拖动) 轻鬆导航手势,包括滑动,捏,双击 。LeanKit for iOS is the best way to interact with the boards in your LeanKit account on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch. Anything you do in the app updates your teammates around the world in seconds, whether they are using the app or the web browser version. Intuitive gestures allow you to pinch and zoom to quickly focus in on portions of your work or zoom out to get the big picture.Download LeanKit for iOS as a perfect complement to your existing LeanKit account. The app works with all existing accounts including the free Basic Edition as well as the free 30-days trials of the premium services. Key Features: NEW: For the first time, view your entire board from your iPhone or iPod touch, just like on the iPad app View, create, update, move, delete ,and comment on cards directly within the app Drag and Drop movements of cards (tap and hold then drag) Easy navigation with gestures including slide, pinch, and double tap. Move all card within a lane by long-tapping the lane header.支持版本iOS5.1及以上