

深圳市快运通物流有限公司【深圳市快运通物流有限公司】深圳市快运通物流有限公司经民航中南管理局和深圳市交通局批准,于2001年9月在深圳市工商行政管理局注册成立,是中国民用航空运输企业货运业务许可销售代理人 。承办国内、国际航空货物运输、汽运快线、进港派送、仓储及深港快运等多类业务 。注册资本人民币1,000万元 。公司在深圳、广州、东莞、北京、西安、上海、香港、兰州、乌鲁木齐设立19个分公司(营业网点),总部设在深圳机场物流园国际货运村,物流仓储面积超过60,000平方米 。公司拥有一支1,500多人专业的高水平人才队伍、自主开发的物流计算机管理系统、配备GPS全球卫星定位系统实现全程监控的各类运输车辆逾150台 。代理川航等多家航空公司货运销售业务,网路遍布国内外270多个城市 。以强大的资源优势,为客户提供24小时全方位的优质服务 。超群出众的时效优势在市场中享有很高的声誉 。承蒙社会各界朋友及广大客户的信赖和支持,公司销售业绩节节攀升 。2010年度,在深圳机场进出港的国内航线货量超过68,500吨,连续五年排名第二,并获得2009年度深圳市政府财政奖励、2010年被评为“全国文明诚信航空销售代理企业” 。快运通以“诚信、专注、创新”作为立业之本,秉承“重客户、铸品牌”的经营理念,以积极的姿态为客户提供安全、快捷、优质的现代物流服务 。我们愿与社会各界朋友精诚合作、共创辉煌!
战略目标成为最优秀的现代物流企业未来10年目标:货物进出总量每年力增20%以上,2015年实现货物进出港量超125,000吨目标,2020年货物进出量突破310,000吨 。网路建设:加快自营服务网路建设,2013年达到28个以上,2018年达到50个以上 。多元化:在发展立足本地、辐射全国的第三方物流同时,快运通将打破传统的进出口贸易模式、分销代理模式拓展供应链业务,第一个五年计画实现富有快运通特色的物流供应链服务初具规模;第二个五年计画将实现供应链多层次、全方位立体布局 。To be the best of modern logistics enterprisesObjectives in the next 10 years: The volume of entering/leaving-port cargos grow by more than 20% yearly; realize the total volume of entering/leaving-port cargos over 125,000 tons in 2015 and breakthrough 310,000 tons in 2020.Network construction: to accelerate the building of self-business networks and to build more than 28 networks in 2013 and 50 in 2018.Diversification: While developing the Third-Party logistics which is based on the local and radiates to the whole nation, Fast Channel Logistics will break the traditional import and export trade pattern and distribution agent model, and expand its supply chain business, planning to realize a supply chain business service taking initial shape with its own characteristics in the first five-year plan and to take it as the company’s future strategic objectives realizing a multi-level supply chain with all-directional, three-dimensional layout in the second five-year plan.文化理念Culture Concept企业使命:只为更快Mission:Just faster经营理念:创新、专注、诚信Management Concept: Innovation Focus Integrity企业愿景:成为中国最优秀的现代物流企业Enterprise Vision:To be the best of modern logistics enterprises人才理念:专业——用最专业的技术,做最专业的物流服务专心——用最专心的态度,对待每个细节专注——用最专注的精神,致力于企业的提升The conception of talents:Pofession-with the most professional technology,themost professional logistics services.Concentration-with the most attentive attitude towardsevery delail.Focus-the spirit of the most dedicated,committed to yourenterprise improvement.核心价值:员工满意 客户满意 公司利益 回馈社会Core value: Employee Satisfaction ;Customer satisfaction;The interests of the company;Contribute to the community 。发展历史2005年度深航货运最佳贡献奖(第五名)川航货运销售十大客户奖 (第二名)2006年度深航货运最佳代理人奖(第三名)川航货运销售十大客户奖 (第一名)深圳南航货运销售代理银奖(第六名)深圳机场货站出港量第二名2007年度深航货运最佳代理人奖(第一名)川航货运销售十大客户奖 (第一名)深圳南航货运代理钻石奖 (第二名)珠海南航杰出贡献奖(第二名)深圳机场货站出港量第二名2008年度深航货运最佳贡献奖(第一名)川航货运销售十大客户奖(第一名)深圳南航货运代理钻石奖(第一名)珠海南航优秀代理人奖(第一名)广州机场出港货量第七名深圳机场进出港货量第二名实现在深圳空港国内航线进出港量突破30,000吨,名列第二,并获得深圳市政府2008年度财政“深圳空港贡献”奖2009年度珠海机场进出港货量第一名广州机场出港货量第七名深圳机场进出港货量第四名深航货运最佳贡献奖(第一名)川航货运销售十大客户奖(第一名)深圳南航货运代理钻石奖(第二名)深圳国航销售十大客户奖(第二名)珠海南航优秀代理人奖(第一名)在深圳空港国内航线进出港量突破41,900吨. 2010年度深航货运最佳代理奖川航货运销售十大客户奖深圳南航货运代理钻石奖深圳国航优秀代理奖在深圳空港国内航线进出港量突破50,000吨The year 2005The Best Contribution Award of Shenzhen Airlines Freight (the fifth place)Ten Major Customers Award of Sichuan Airlines Freight Sales (the second place)The year 2006The Best Agent Award of Shenzhen Airlines Freight ( the third place)Ten Major Customers Award of Sichuan Airlines Freight Sales (the first place)The Silver Award for Freight Sales Agent of Shenzhen Southern Airlines (the sixth place)The Second Place for the Leaving-port Volume of Shenzhen Airport Freight StationThe year 2007The Best Agent Award of Shenzhen Airlines Freight ( the first place)Ten Major Customers Award of Sichuan Airlines Freight Sales (the first place)The Freight Agent Diamond Award of Shenzhen Southern Airlines (the second place)Outstanding Contribution Award of Zhuhai Southern Airlines (the second place)The Second Place for the Leave-port Volume of Shenzhen Airport Freight StationThe Year 2008The Best Contribution Award of Shenzhen Airlines Freight (the first place)Ten Major Customers Award of Sichuan Airlines Freight Sales (the first place)The Freight Agent Diamond Award of Shenzhen Southern Airlines (the second place)Outstanding Agent Award of Zhuhai Southern Airlines (the firstplace)The Seventh Place for the Leave-port Cargo Volume of Guangzhou AirportThe Second Place for the Enter/Leave-port Cargo Volume of Shenzhen Airport Shenzhen Airport domestic enter/leave-port cargo volume amounted to 30,000 tons, ranking the second place and earning the 2008 Yearly Financial Award for “Shenzhen Airport Contribution” presented by Shenzhen municipal government. The Year 2009Zhuhai Airport arrival and the first volumeSeventh volume of the Guangzhou Airport DepartureShenzhen Airport to Hong Kong out of the fourth volumeShenzhen Airlines Cargo Best Contribution Award (first place)Ten customer Sichuan Airlines Cargo Sales Award (first)Shenzhen, China Southern Cargo Agent Diamond Award (second place)Air China Shenzhen Top Ten Customer Sales Award (second place)Outstanding agents Zhuhai China Southern Award (first)Shenzhen Airport domestic enter/leave-port cargo volume amounted to 41,900 tons文化理念企业使命:只为更快Mission:Just faster经营理念:创新、专注、诚信Management Concept: Innovation Focus Integrity企业愿景:成为中国最优秀的现代物流企业Enterprise Vision:To be the best of modern logistics enterprises人才理念:专业——用最专业的技术,做最专业的物流服务专心——用最专心的态度,对待每个细节专注——用最专注的精神,致力于企业的提升The conception of talents:Pofession-with the most professional technology,themost professional logistics services.Concentration-with the most attentive attitude towardsevery delail.Focus-the spirit of the most dedicated,committed to yourenterprise improvement.核心价值:员工满意 客户满意 公司利益 回馈社会Core value: Employee Satisfaction ;Customer satisfaction;The interests of the company;Contribute to the community 。