
英语听力教程:学生用书4【英语听力教程:学生用书4】《英语听力教程:学生用书4》为第四册,共包括12个单元,每单元分为6个部分 。内容主要包括準备性练习、单项技能和相关微技巧训练、与本单元内容相关专题领域内的热门话题或科技新发展介绍以及挑战性较强的真实录音材料练习 。通过每单元的读、讲、听、说的综合训练,全面提高学生的英语听力水平 。《英语听力教程》(ListenThisWay)(第二版)主要适用于高等院校英语专业一至三年级学生,同时适合师专、教育学院、广播电视大学、成人高校英语专业学生及相当水平的英语学习者 。全套教材共分6册,每册配有教师用书和录音带 。前4册以单项技能训练为主,配有一定量的综合训练,题材接近生活、工作实际,由近及远,涉及的面较宽;后两册以综合技能训练为主,同时针对中国学生在英语听力学习中的难点、重点进行反覆训练,题材以反映社会、科技领域的新发展为主 。教师用书的内容包括教学提示、练习答案和全部录音内容的文字材料 。学生用书和教师用书后所附光碟均为全部练习的录音 。
ISBN:7040186527, 9787040186529
1 Shopping and Banking Online Part I Getting ready Part II Net shopping under fire Part III Banking at home Part IV More about the topic: Secret of Good Customer Service Part V Do you know .? Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit 2 Hotel or B&B? Part I Getting ready Part II A touch of home Part III Renting a car Part IV More about the topic: What Type of Room Do You Want? Part V Do you know .? Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit 3 "Planting" Money Part I Getting ready Part II National teach children to save day Part III Credit cards Part IV More about the topic: Gulf Between the Rich and the Poor Part V Do you know ? Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit 4 Loans for the Dream Part I Getting ready Part II Raising money for buying a car Part III Housing in the U.S.A. Part IV More about the topic: Consumer Rights Part V Do you know .? Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit 5 Briefing on Taxation and Insurance Policies Part I Getting ready Part II Briefing on personal taxation Part III Should I buy an insurance policy? (I) Part IV More about the topic: Should I Buy an Insurance Policy? (II) Part V Do you know ...? Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit 6 Visions of Business Part I Getting ready Part II Michael Dell vs. Frederick Smith (I) Part III Michael Dell vs. Frederick Smith (II) Part IV More about the topic: The Business Plan Part V Do you know .? Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit 7 Fame and Fortune Part I Getting ready Part II Bill Gates' new rules Part HI Great business deals? Part IV More about the topic: Walt Disney Part V Do you know .,.? Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit 8 Business Success Part I Getting ready Part II Witty ways to success Part III Technology in doing business Part IV More about the topic: How to Improve Your Executive Image? Part V Do you know .? Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit 9 Feeling the Financial Market Part I Getting ready Part II The commodity markets Part III Bank organization Part IV More about the topic: The Dow-Jones Industrial Average Part V Do you know ...? Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit 10 Business Strategies Part I Getting ready Part II SWOT analysis Part III Dealing with growth: Market trends Part IV More about the topic: Safe Investing Part V Do you know ...? Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit 11 New Trends in Trade Part I Getting ready Part II Vending machine Part III Our sales numbers are up Part IV More about the topic: The World Trade Organization (WTO) Part V Do you know ...? Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit 12 Review Activity 1 Where is it? Activity 2 Bed and Breakfast Activity 3 The foreign exchange market Activity 4 Beanie baby Activity 5 Food plans Activity 6 Malaysian economy Activity 7 Buying goods for sale Activity 8 Financial reports