1、store和shop都可表示“商店” 。shop 比 store 小 。store 比 shop 正规 。百货商场里有很多卖服装的小店.There are many clothing stores in the department shop 。
2、shop在英国一般指零售商店,在美国还指专卖店,即出售固定商品的门市部 。例句:By the end of the year the little seed and grain shop had developed its trade considerably.到年底,那个种子、粮食小店的生意有了相当大的发展 。
【shop和store有什么区别】3、store为美国用词,指零售商店,其复数stores则指百货商店,相当于英式英语中的department store 。例句:I do all my shopping at that department store.我什么都在那家百货商店买 。
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