王长喜点评历年真题【王长喜点评历年真题】《王长喜点评历年真题》是2010年学苑出版社出版的图书 , 作者是王长喜 。
ISBN:750770498X, 9787507704983
内容简介《长喜英语·2011年大学英语6级考试:王长喜点评历年真题(第17版)(2010年6月-2006年6月)》人无我有:作文:两篇範文+行文思路+词句点评;阅读:语篇分析+设题分析+全文翻译;听力:听前预测+听音关键+考点点睛;综合:解题线索+快速找错+考点点睛 。经常被模仿 , 从未被超载 , 历年排第一 , 超凡金品质 。作者简介王长喜 , 中国人民大学知名教授 , 着名英语测试学专家 , 全国四、六级考试研究与辅导顶尖权威 。授课风格立意高远 , 深入浅出、富于激情 , 各地讲座所到之处 , 万人空巷 。编辑推荐《长喜英语·2011年大学英语6级考试:王长喜点评历年真题(第17版)(2010年6月-2006年6月)》:一作文题 , 两篇範文 , 还有预测 。打开试卷感受独有点评模式 。其他试卷说法不一 , 本卷可以作为标準 。710分新题型 。我们认为:点评真题 , 必须点出——每道题题目出处在哪 , 关键考点是啥 , 如何获取答案 。本卷独有八开三栏排版、连线对照解析 , 上述信息一目发然 。三栏排版、连线解析 , 让上万语千言 , 不如连线一点 , 若为团购 , 可专做单独试卷版 。考前模考大礼:十二月份 , 给出三套考前最新命制试卷 , 让你模拟实考热身 。独家特色:题目出处、文中底色标出 , 一目了然 , 答案获取、连线文字说明 , 清楚直观 , 关键考点、解析简要点拨 , 一语中的 , 实用技巧、同步示範指导 , 即学即用 。目录大学英语6级考试王长喜点评历年真题补充听力3套真题补充範文+相似预测範文20篇全文翻译20篇文摘Brian Nosek of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.who runs a website that measures implicit bias using similar tests , has also observed a small drop in bias in the 700 , 000 visitors to tlle site since January 2007 , which might be explained by Obama’s rise to popularity.However , his preliminary results suggest that change will be much slower coming than Plant’s results suggest.Talking honestly“People now have the opportunity of expressing support for Obama every day , ’’says Daniel Effron at Stanford University in Callfomia.“Our research arouses the concem that people may now be more likely to raise negative views of African AmeriCanS.”On the other hand , he says , it may iust encourage people to talk more honestly about their feelings regarding race issues , which may not be such a bad thing.Another part of the study sugges far more is at stake than the mere expression of views.The Obama effect may have a negative side 。Just one week after Obama was elected president , participants were less ready to support policies designed to address racial inequality than they had been two weeks before the election.Huge obstacles
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