Swish Swish

Swish Swish

Swish Swish【Swish Swish】《Swish Swish》是美国女歌手凯蒂·佩里和妮琪·米娜合作演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲的歌词和曲谱由凯蒂·佩里、杜克·杜蒙、萨拉·哈德森、布列塔尼·哈扎德、Promnite和妮琪·米娜编写 。该歌曲收录于凯蒂·佩里的第五张录音室专辑《Witness》中,并于2017年5月19日作为推广专辑的第三只单曲通过国会唱片发行 。
2018年,《Swish Swish》的《周六夜现场》版本获第30届儿童选择奖“最佳选择舞曲”奖项 。
外文名称:Swish Swish
创作背景凯蒂·佩里曾解释《Swish Swish》是一首为鼓励受到霸凌的人而写的歌 。在《詹姆斯·柯登深夜秀》中,凯蒂·佩里承认这首歌是写给美国女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特的 。两人当时因为舞伴的事情(可参阅泰勒·斯威夫特与凯蒂·佩里不和事件由原来的好友关係开始不和 。但凯蒂·佩里个人认为是泰勒·斯威夫特引发这场事情在先,她曾向泰勒·斯威夫特示好,但泰勒·斯威夫特并不领情,甚至写了一首歌《Bad Blood》来回击,所以凯蒂·佩里决定让泰勒·斯威夫特自己处理,并写了一首《Swish Swish》进行回击 。而妮琪·米娜的歌词是对美国女歌手雷米·玛的回击 。
Swish Swish

歌曲歌词英文歌词中文歌词They know what is whatBut they don't know what is whatThey just strutWhat theA tigerDon't lose no sleepDon't need opinionsFrom a shellfish or a sheepDon't you come for meNo not todayYou're calculatedI got your number'Cause you're a jokerAnd I'm a courtside killer queenAnd you will kiss the ringYou best believeSo keep calm honey I'ma stick aroundFor more than a minute get used to itFunny my name keeps comin' outcho mouth'Cause I stay winningLay 'em up likeSwish swish bishAnother one in the basketCan't touch thisAnother one in the casketYour game is tiredYou should retireYou're 'bout as cute asAn old coupon expiredAnd karma's not a liarShe keeps receiptsSo keep calm honey I'ma stick aroundFor more than a minute get used to itFunny my name keeps comin' outcho mouth'Cause I stay winningLay 'em up likeSwish swish bishAnother one in the basketCan't touch thisAnother one in the casketSwish swish bishAnother one in the basketCan't touch thisAnother one in the casketThey know what is whatBut they don't know what is whatKaty PerryThey just know what is whatYoung MoneyBut they don't know what is whatThey just know what is whatBut they don't know what is whatThey just strutHahaha yoWhat thePink Ferragamo sliders on deckSilly rap beefs just get me more checksMy life is a movie I'm never off setMe & my A-MigosNo not off-setSwish swish aww I got them upsetBut my shooters'll make 'em dance like dubstepSwish swish aww my haters is obsessed'Cause I make M's they get much lessDon't be tryna double back I already despise youAll that fake love you showin' couldn't even disguise youRanWhenNicki gettin' tanMirror mirror who's the fairest b**th in all the landDamn man this b**th is a StanMuah muah the generous queen will kiss a fanA** goodbye I'ma be riding byI'ma tell my biggz yea dat's da guyA star's a star da ha da haThey never thought the swish god would take it this farGet my pimp cup this is pimp sh*t babyI only f**k wit Queens so I'm makin' hits with KatySwish swish bishAnother one in the basketAn-another oneAn-another oneCan't touch thisCan't touch thisAnother one in the casketAn-another oneAn-another oneThey know what is whatDo they knowBut they don't know what is whatThey just know what is whatBut they don't know what is whatThey just know what is whatBut they don't know what is whatThey just strutWhat the他们只知其表但却不明其里却只管卖弄个不停这有什幺道理老虎不会失眠也不需要他人意见不管是坚硬如蚌或是温和绵羊最好都别来惹我无论往日今天你处心积虑我亦握有你的把柄你就是个小丑而我则是场边的杀手女王你只有亲亲我的冠军指环你最好相信这一点所以不如就冷静冷静 我随时蓄势待行儘可能坚持到底 你最好习惯这定律你总想呼之欲出唤起我名 这真是有趣我会一赢到底让对手输得就像嗖嗖不停又一球正中框心触不可及又一球胜负已定你的游戏让人厌倦你早就该退居二线你的可爱就像一张过了期的优惠券因果报应这件事绝无欺骗留着字条 等待兑现所以不如就冷静冷静 我随时蓄势待行儘可能坚持到底 你最好习惯这定律你总想呼之欲出唤起我名 这真是有趣我会一赢到底让对手输得就像嗖嗖不停又一球正中框心触不可及又一球胜负已定嗖嗖不停又一球正中框心触不可及又一球胜负已定他们知其表却不知其里水果姐在此他们只知其表Yong Money厂牌但却不知其里他们只知其表但却不知其里却只管卖弄个不停这他妈有什幺道理少女系菲拉格慕放在桌上那傻子remy ma让我多费口水多唱些歌我的人生像是一部电影 我绝不退场让行我和我的朋友(不 不是migos里的那一个)嗖嗖不停 我让对手失落伤心但我的打手会让他们如跳着电子舞曲般翻滚起落嗖嗖不停 我的仇敌已被我缠绕锁定我赚的盆满钵满 而他们就少的要命别想着扭头就跑 那样我会看不起你所有的假意惺惺都无法掩饰住你说我被吓跑了?啥时候?老娘只是度了个假魔镜魔镜快快说 谁才是最漂亮的妖艳贱货天惹 这女人简直就是众人榜样mua~ mua~ 慷慨的女王会亲吻每一个粉丑货拜拜 我要先走一步了老娘要告诉我的凯子们 就是这个人明星中的明星 da ha da ha人们都不会想到如此时髦的上帝会走这一步给我满上 敬你这大佬 亲爱的老娘只和真正的女王厮混 所以这次我和凯蒂合唱嗖嗖不停又一球正中框心触不可及又一球胜负已定他们只知其表他们又是否真的知道但他们肯定不知其里他们只知其表但却不知其里他们只知其表但肯定不知其里他们只管卖弄个不停这他妈有什幺道理歌曲鉴赏《Swish Swish》音调为降E大调,作为录唱歌手,凯蒂·佩里与妮琪·米娜的声音介于Eb3到G#4之间 。《Swish Swish》中一句歌词“swish swish bish”被解读成是在影射泰勒·斯威夫特,疑似取自泰勒·斯威夫特姓氏斯威夫特(Swift)的谐音,并辱骂对方 。《Swish Swish》是专辑《Witness》中将音乐实验性与流行度、时尚度平衡的最好的一首,第一个音符响起就仿佛置身于T台秀场,这种高端的精緻感在凯蒂·佩里过去的音乐作品中并不多见,妮琪·米娜在演唱上抢了凯蒂·佩里不少风头 。