中国科学院华南植物园研究员 杨宝

杨宝(中国科学院华南植物园研究员)【中国科学院华南植物园研究员 杨宝】杨宝,1979年生,博士,硕士生导师 。中国科学院华南植物园研究员 。研究方向为功能食品化学 。
基本信息通讯地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号简历1979年生,博士,硕士生导师 。研究方向为功能食品化学 。主要从事功能食品研究开发,分离纯化植物体内具有生物活性的小分子(黄酮、烯萜类和生物硷)和大分子(多糖)化合物,鉴定化学结构,评价生物活性,分析构效关係,开发功能食品产品 。在journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Food Chemsitry, International Immunopharmacology, Polymer degradation and Stability等杂誌发表SCI收录论文100余篇,其中半数发表在学科排名前10%杂誌上 。申请发明专利5项,授权3项 。与美国明尼苏达大学、Clemson University、加拿大农业部食品研究中心、马来西亚Universiti Putra Malaysia等单位建立友好国际合作关係 。多次主持国家自然科学基金(青年基金、面上基金与国际合作项目)、国际科学基金(F/4451-1和F/4451-2)等,并承担科技部863科技计画项目、农业部公益性行业科研专项、中科院知识创新工程重要方向项目、广东省中科院战略合作项目,以及与大型企业合作开发等项目 。研究领域功能食品化学社会任职Food Chemistry顶级评审专家; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Food Chemistry、Journal of Food Composition and analysis、Separation Science and Technology等杂誌评审专家 。获奖及荣誉2009、2010年连续两年获得Food Chemistry杂誌顶级评审专家荣誉称号;2011年入选中科院青年创新促进会首批会员;2011年获中国轻工业联合会科技进步3等奖 。代表论着1.Mouming Zhao, Ning Yang, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Guihe Zhang.Structural characterization of water-soluble polysaccharides from Opuntia monacantha cladodes in relation to their anti-glycated activities. Food Chemistry2. Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Jinshui Wang, Yang Liu, Limei Yu, Yueming Jiang. Immunomodulatory and anticancer activities of flavonoids extracted from litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) pericarp. International Immunopharmacology3. imei Yu, Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Qiangzhong Zhao, Yueming Jiang. Phenolics from hull of Garcinia mangostana fruit and their antioxidant activities. Food Chemistry4. Qiong Wu, Cheng Zheng, Zheng-Xiang Ning, Bao Yang. Modification of low molecular-weight polysaccharides from Tremella fuciformis and their antioxidant activities in vitro.International Journal of Molecular Sciences5. Guiping Cheng, Xuewu Duan, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Wangjin Lu, Yunbo Luo, Weibo Jiang. Effect of hydroxyl radicals on the scission of cellular wall polysaccharides in vitro of banana fruit at various ripening stages. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum6. Jiaoyan Ren, Mouming Zhao, Jinshui Wang, Chun Cui, Bao Yang. Spectrophotometric method for determination of tryptophan in protein hydrolysis. Food Technology and Biotechnology7. Jingyu Shi, Jian Sun, Xiaoyi Wei, John Shi, Guiping Cheng, Mouming Zhao, Jinshui Wang, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang. Identification of (-)-epicatechin as the direct substrate for polyphenol oxidase from longan fruit pericarp. LWT – Food Science and Technology8. Shaoyu Yang, Xinguo Su, K. Nagendra Prasad, Bao Yang, Guiping Cheng, Yulong Chen, En Yang, Yueming Jiang. Oxidation and peroxidation of postharvest banana fruit during softening. Pakistan Journal of Botany9. Neungnapa Ruenroengklin, Jia Zhong, Xuewu Duan, Bao Yang, Jianrong Li, Yueming Jiang. Effects of various temperatures and pH values on the extraction yield of phenolics from litchi fruit pericarp tissue and the antioxidant activity of the extracted anthocyanins. International Journal of Molecular Science 10. Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, John Shi, Yueming Jiang, Ning Yang. Effect of ultrasonic treatment on the recovery and DPPH radical scavenging activity of polysaccharides from longan fruit pericarp. Food Chemistry11. Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, John Shi, Guiping Cheng, Neungnapa Ruenroengklin, Yueming Jiang. Variations in water-soluble saccharides and phenols in longan fruit pericarp after drying. Journal of Food Process Engineering,12. Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Mouming Zhao, John Shi, Lingzhao Wang. Effects of ultrasonic extraction on the physical and chemical properties of polysaccharides from longan fruit percarp. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2008, 93, 268–272.13. Haiyan Wang, Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Guohua Rao. Identification of polyphenols in tobacco leaf and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Food Chemistry14. Xiaoli Liu, Mouming Zhao, Jinshui Wang, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang. Antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of emblica fruit from six regions in China. Journal of Food Composition and analysis15. Lingzhao Wang, Bao Yang, Xiuqiao Du, Chun Yi. Optimization of supercritical fluid extraction of flavonoids from Pueraria lobata. Food Chemistry16. Limei Yu, Mouming Zhao, Jin shui Wang, Chun Cui, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Qiangzhong Zhao. Antioxidant, immunomodulatory and anti-breast cancer activitiesof phenolic extract from pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb) bark. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technology 17. Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, Yueming Jiang. Optimization of tyrosinase inhibition activity of ultrasonic-extracted polysaccharides from longan fruit pericarp. Food Chemistry18. Ning Yang, Mouming Zhao, Banghao Zhu, Bao Yang, Chunhui Chen, Chun Cui, Yueming Jiang. Anti-diabetic effects of polysaccharides from Opuntia monacantha cladode in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies19. Xiaoli Liu, Chun Cui, Mouming Zhao, Jinshui Wang, Wei Luo, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang. Identification of phenolics in the fruit of emblica (Phyllanthus emblica L.) and their antioxidant activities. Food Chemistry20 Neungnapa Ruenroengklin, Bao Yang, Hetong Lin, Feng Chen, Yueming Jiang. Degradation of anthocyanin from litchi fruit pericarp by H2O2 and hydroxyl radical. Food Chemistry21. Limei Yu, Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Weidong Bai. Immunomodulatory and anticancer activities of phenolics from hull of Garcinia mangostana fruit. Food Chemistry22. Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Rui Wang, Mouming Zhao. Ultra-high pressure treatment on polysaccharides and lignins of longan fruit pericarp. Food Chemistry23. Chun Cui, Xuesong Zhou, Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang. Effect of thermal treatment on the enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken proteins. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies24. Yunjian Du, Yuqiao Zhao, Shuchao Dai, Bao Yang. Preparation of water-soluble chitosan from shrimp shell and its anti-bacterial activity. Innovative Food Sciences and Emerging Technologies 25.Guiping Cheng, Xuewu Duan, Yueming Jiang, Jian Sun, Shaoyu Yang, Bao Yang, Shenggen He, Hong Liang, Yunbo Luo. Modification of hemicellulose polysaccharides during ripening of postharvest banana fruit. Food Chemistry,26.Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Mouming Zhao, Feng Chen, Rui Wang, Yulong Chen, Dandan Zhang. Structural characterisation of polysacchairdes purified from longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit pericarp. Food Chemistry,27. Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, Yueming Jiang. Anti-glycated activity of polysaccharides of longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit pericarp treated by ultrasonic wave. Food Chemistr28. Wei Luo, Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Guanglin Shen, Guohua Rao. Identification of bioactive compounds in Phyllenthus Emblica L. fruit and their free radical scavenging activities. Food Chemistry29. Lijun You, Mouming Zhao, Chun Cui, Haifeng Zhao, Bao Yang. Effect of degree of hydrolysis on the antioxidant activity of loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) protein hydrolysates. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies30. Nagendra K. Prasad, Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, Biaoshi Wang, Feng Chen, Yueming Jiang. Effects of high pressure treatment on the extraction yield, phenolic content and antioxidant activity of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) fruit pericarp. International Journal of Food Science and Technology31. K. Nagendra Prasad, Bao Yang, Shaoyu Yang, Yulong Chen, Mouming Zhao, Muhammad Ashraf, Yueming Jiang. Identification of phenolic compounds and appraisal of antioxidant and antityrosinase activities from litchi (Litchi sinensis Sonn.) seeds. Food Chemistry 32. Jian Sun, Xu Xiang, Chunyan Yu, Jinyu Shi, Hongxiang Peng, Bao Yang, Shaoyu Yang, En Yang, Yueming Jiang. Variations in contents of browning substrates and activities of some related enzymes during litchi fruit development. Scientia Horticulturae33. Rui Wang, Ruijiang Wang, Bao Yang. Extraction of essential oils from five cinnamon leaves and identification of their volatile compound compositions. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologie34. Qiangzhong Zhao, Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Chun Cui. Effect of xanthan gum on the physical properties and textural characteristics of whipped cream. Food Chemistry35. Xiaoli Liu, Mouming Zhao, Wei Luo, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang. Identification of volatile components in Phyllanthus emblica L. and their antimicrobial activity. Journal of Medicinal Food36. J. Sun, G. G. Elena, H. X. Peng, Q. Guo, B. Yang, E. J. Zhu. Variation in content of monomeric phenolics during the processing of grape seed and skin flours. Animal Production Science37. Guoxiang Jiang, K. Nagendra Prasad, Yueming Jiang, Bao Yang, Yongxia Jia, Jian Sun. Extraction and structural identification of alkali-soluble polysaccharides of longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit pericarp. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies38. K. Nagendra Prasad, Bao Yang, Xinhong Dong, Guoxiang Jiang, Haiyan Zhang, Haihui Xie, Yueming Jiang. Flavonoid contents and antioxidant activities from Cinnamomum species. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 39. Lingzhao Wang, Bao Yang, Xiuqiao Du. Investigation of supercritical fluid extraction of puerarin from Pueraria lobata. Journal of Food Process Engineering40. Guoxiang Jiang, Bao Yang, Yueming Jiang, Rong Tsao, Haiyan Zhang, Feng Chen. Structural characteristics and antioxidant activities of oligosaccharides from longan fruit pericarp. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemsitry41. K. Nagendra Prasad, Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, Xiaoyi Wei, Yueming Jiang, Fang Chen. High pressure extraction of corilagin from longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit pericarp. Separation and Purification Technology,42. K. Nagendra Prasad, Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, Neungnapa Ruenroengklin, Yueming Jiang. Application of ultrasonication or high pressure extraction of flavonoids from litchi fruit pericarp. Journal of Food Process Engineering43. Chun Yi, Yueming Jiang, John Shi, Hongxia Qu, Xuewu Duan, Bao Yang, Nagendra K. Prasad, Ting Liu. Effect of adenosine triphosphate on changes of fatty acids in harvested litchi fruit infected by Peronophythora litchii. Postharvest Biology and Technology44. Bao Yang, Guoxiang Jiang, K. Nagendra Prasad, Caiqin Gu, Yueming Jiang. Crystalline, thermal and textural characteristics of starches isolated from chestnut (Castanea mollissima Bl.) seeds at different degrees of hardness. Food Chemistry45. Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, K. Nagendra Prasad, Guoxiang Jiang, Yueming Jiang. Effect of methylation on the structure and radical scavenging activity of polysaccharides from longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit pericarp. Food Chemistry 46. K. Nagendra Prasad, Bao Yang, John Shi, Chunyan Yu, Mouming Zhao, Sophia Xue, Yueming Jiang. Enhanced antioxidant and antityrosinase activities of longan fruit pericarp by ultra-high pressure-assisted extraction. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis47. Bao Yang, Guoxiang Jiang, Caiqin Gu, Yueming Jiang. Structural changes in polysaccharides isolated from chestnut (Castanea mollissima Bl.) fruit at different degrees of hardening. Food Chemistry48. K. Nagendra Prasad, Haihui Xie, Jing Hao, Bao Yang, Shengxiang Qiu, Xiaoyi Wei, Fang Chen, Yueming Jiang. Antioxidant and anticancer activities of 8-hydroxypsoralen isolated from wampee [Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels] peel. Food Chemistry49.Jing Li, Haihui Xie, Bao Yang, Xinhong Dong, Linyan Feng, Feng Chen, Yueming Jiang, A comparative determination of Ochratoxin A in longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit pulp by high-performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection and electron spray ionization-mass spectrometry. Molecules50. Ying Xin, Fusheng Chen, Hongshun Yang, Penglong Zhang, Yun Deng, Bao Yang. Morphology, profile and role of chelate-soluble pectin on tomato properties during ripening. Food Chemistry51. Lixia Mu, Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Haifeng Zhao, Chun Cui, Qiangzhong Zhao. Effect of ultrasounic treatment on the graft reaction between soy protein isolate and gum acacia and physicochemical properties of their conjugates. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52. Mouming Zhao, Haiyan Wang, Bao Yang, Hong Tao. Identification of cyclodextrin inclusion complex of chlorogenic acid and its antimicrobial activity. Food Chemistry53. Donghui Luo, Qiangzhong Zhao, Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Xiaotao Long, Jiaoyan Ren, Haifeng Zhao. Effects of limited proteolysis and high-pressure homogenisation on structural and functional characteristics of glycinin. Food Chemistry54. Chunyan Yu, Jian Sun, Bao Yang, K. Nagendra Prasad, Yueming Jiang. Variations in contents of (-)-epicatechin and activities of phenylalanine ammonialyase and polyphenol oxidase of longan fruit during development. Horticulture Science55. Tiong Ngee Wen, K. Nagendra Prasad, Bao Yang, Amin Ismail. Bioactive substance contents and antioxidant capacity of raw and blanched vegetables. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies56. K. Nagendra Prasad, Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao, Jian Sun, Xiaoyi Wei, Yueming Jiang. Effects of high pressure or ultrasonic treatment on extraction yield and antioxidant activity of pericarp tissues of longan fruit. Journal of Food Biochemistry57. Bao Yang, Hongshun Yang, Jing Li, Zhenxing Li, Yueming Jiang. Amino acid composition, molecular weight distribution and antioxidant activity of protein hydrolysates of soy sauce lees. Food Chemistry58. K. Nagendra Prasad, Lye Yee Chew, H. E. Khoo, Bao Yang, Azrina Azlan, Amin Ismail. Carotenoids and antioxidant capacities from Canarium odontophyllum Miq. fruit. Food Chemistry 59. Rui Wang, Ruijiang Wang, Bao Yang. Comparison of volatile compound composition of cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) bark prepared by hydrodistillation and headspace solid phase microextraction. Journal of Food Process Engineering, Article in press.60. Guowan Su, Jiaoyan Ren, Bao Yang, Chun Cui, Mouming Zhao. Comparison of hydrolysis characteristics on defatted peanut meal proteins between a protease extract from Aspergillus oryzae and commercial proteases. Food Chemistry, in press.61. Guanglin Shen, Hong Tao, Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Dongqi Wen, Qingzhao Yuan, Guohua Rao. Effect of hydrogen peroxide pretreatment on the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. Journal of Food Process Engineering, Article in press.62. Bao Yang, K. Nagendra Prasad, Haihui Xie, Sen Lin, Yueming Jiang. Structural characteristics of oligosaccharides from soy sauce lees and their prebiotic effect on lactobacteria. Food Chemistry, Article in press.63. Xinhong Dong, Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Xiaoquan Yang, John Shi, Yueming Jiang. Effect of high pressure homogenization on functional property of peanut protein. Journal of Food Process Engineering, Article in press.64. Wei Luo, Mouming Zhao, Bao Yang, Jiaoyan Ren, Guanglin Shen, Guohua Rao. Antioxidant and antiproliferative capacities of phenolics purified from Phyllenthus Emblica L. fruit. Food Chemistry, Article in press.65. Lianzhu Lin, Chun Cui, Bao Yang, Wei Luo, Mouming Zhao. Assessment of in vitro antioxidant capacity of stem and leaf extracts of Rabdosia serra (MAXIM.) HARA and identification of the major compound. Food Chemistry, Article in press.