尼力演唱歌曲 Dilemma

尼力演唱歌曲 Dilemma

Dilemma(尼力演唱歌曲)《Dilemma》是美国男歌手尼力与天命真女成员凯莉·罗兰合作的歌曲 , 词曲由肯尼斯·甘伯尔、邦尼·西格勒、科奈尔·海耶斯及安托因·梅肯创作 。歌曲被收录在尼力第二张录音室专辑《Nellyville》 , 于2002年6月25日作为专辑第二支单曲发行 。
【尼力演唱歌曲 Dilemma】歌曲于2002年8月17日登上美国公告牌百强单曲榜首位 , 并在榜首位置停留了十周(非连续) , 是尼力第二支公告牌冠军单曲 。2003年 , 歌曲获第45届葛莱美奖“最佳说唱合作”奖 , 并被该届葛莱美奖提名“年度製作” 。
歌曲原唱:尼力 , 凯莉·罗兰
填词:肯尼斯·甘伯尔 , 邦尼·西格勒 , 科奈尔·海耶斯 , 安托因·梅肯
谱曲:肯尼斯·甘伯尔 , 邦尼·西格勒 , 科奈尔·海耶斯 , 安托因·梅肯
音乐风格:节奏布鲁斯 , 嘻哈
创作背景《Dilemma》是在尼力的录音室专辑《Nellyville》完成之时被收录进来的 。在专辑完成时一位製作人向尼力呈交了一份本曲的框架 。而当尼力听到歌曲的节奏时 , 便喜欢上了这首歌曲 , 并决定将歌曲添至《Nellyville》内 。随后他补充了歌曲的其余部分 , 完成了整首歌曲的谱写 。而在之后进入录音室时 , 尼力改变了自身的想法 , 他认为歌曲需要一位女歌手的合作参与 。他想到了好友凯莉·罗兰 , 并一直坚持与其合作的观点 。尼力通过电话联繫到了她 , 而之后才有了这首歌曲的诞生 。歌曲取样了女歌手帕蒂·拉贝尔的歌曲《Love, Need and Want You》 。歌曲歌词英文I love you and I need youNelly, I love you, I doNeed youNo matter what I doAll I think about is youEven when I'm with my booBoy, you know I'm crazy over youNo matter what I doAll I think about is youEven when I'm with my booYou know I'm crazy over youUh-uh-uh-uhI met this chick and she just moved right up the blockFrom meAnd she got the hots for me, the finest thing I needTo seeBut oh, no, no, she got a man and a son, oh-oh, butThat's okayCause I wait for my cue and just listen, play myPositionLike a shortstop, pick up everything mami hittin'And in no time I better make this friend mine andThat's for sureCause I-I never been the type to break up a happyHomeBut there's something 'bout baby girl, I just cantLeave her loneSo tell me, ma, what's it gonna beShe said, you don't know what you mean to me, comeOnNo matter what I doAll I think about is youEven when I'm with my booBoy, you know I'm crazy over youNo matter what I doAll I think about is youEven when I'm with my booYou know I'm crazy over youUh-uh-uh-uhI see a lot in your look and I never say a wordI know how nigures start actin' trippin', and hate upAll the girlsAnd there's no way Nelly go for itAin't fuckin' with no dame, as you could seeBut I-I like your steeze, your style, your wholeDemeanorThe way you come through and holler, and swoop me inHis two-seaterNow that's gangsta and I got special ways to thank ya,Don't you forget itBut it ain't that easy for you to back up and leaveHimBut you and me we got ties for different reasonsI respect that and right before I turned to leaveShe said, you don't know what you mean to me, comeOnNo matter what I doAll I think about is youEven when I'm with my booBoy, you know I'm crazy over you No matter what I doAll I think about is youEven when I'm with my booYou know I'm crazy over youSing it for me, kI love and I need youNelly, I love you, I doAnd it's more than you'll ever knowBoy, it's for sureYou can always count on my loveForever more, yeah, yeahEast coast, I know you're shakin' rightDown south, I know you're bouncin' rightWest coast, I know you're walkin' right(cause you don't know what you mean to me)Midwest, I see you swingin' rightNo matter what I doAll I think about is youEven when I'm with my booBoy, you know I'm crazy over youNo matter what I doAll I think about is youEven when I'm with my booYou know I'm crazy over youEast coast, I know you're shakin' rightDown south, I know you're bouncin' rightWest coast, I know you're walkin' right(You don't know what you mean to me)Midwest, I see you swingin' rightEast coast, you're still shakin' rightDown south, I know you're bouncin' rightWest coast, I know you're walkin' right(you don't know what you mean to me) Midwest, you're still swingin' rightNo matter what I doAll I think about is youEven when I'm with my booBoy, you know I'm crazy over youNo matter what I doAll I think about is youEven when I'm with my booYou know I'm crazy over youYeah, yeahEast coast, I know you're shakin' rightDown south, I know you're bouncin' rightWest coast, I know you're walkin' right(You don't know what you mean to me)Midwest, I see you swingin' rightEast coast, you're still shakin' rightDown south, I know you're bouncin' rightWest coast, I know you're walkin' right(You don't know what you mean to me)Midwest, you're still swingin' right译文我爱你 我需要你尼力 我爱你 我需要你真的好需要你不管在做什幺脑袋里想的全是你即使和我的爱人在一起我只为你神魂颠倒不管我做什幺脑袋里的全是你即使和我的爱人在一起你知道我只为你疯狂听着听着听着 喔 我遇见一位刚搬到我们家对面的美女 看了就让人神魂颠倒看了就让人神魂颠倒 这一带最正的辣妹可是唉 她已经有了男人 天啊!还有个儿子 喔 没关係我可以耐心等待上场的时机 暗中观察各就各位 当个游击这样一来马上我 我要这个靓妹变我的 这是一定要的了不过我从来没有当过第三者 拆散别人的家庭可是宝贝 你独特的魅力令我无法抗拒所以告诉我该怎幺做才好?她说你不了你对我有多重要不管我做什幺脑袋里想的全是你即使和我的爱人在一起我只为你神魂颠倒 不管我做什幺脑袋里想的全是你即使和我的爱人在一起你知道我只为你疯狂听着 , 听着 喔 我看多了 , 你看看我 我从来没半句抱怨正牌黑人煞到靓妹就魂飞魄散尼力又不是神 哪能抗拒得了这诱惑你也知道我本性难移 说真的我喜欢你的小动作 你的风格 你整个人你靠过来 和我在他的敞篷车上太棒了 我要特别谢谢你 想不想和我再爱一次不过啊 我知道 硬叫你甩掉他跟着我也不容易但是呢 你下半辈子就得忍气吞声 我全了就在我转身离开的那一刻她说你不知道你对我意味着什幺不管我做什幺脑袋里想的全是你即使和我的爱人在一起我只为你神魂颠倒不管我做什幺脑袋里想的全是你即使和我的爱人在一起你知道我只为你疯狂为我唱吧我爱你 我需要你尼力 我真的爱你你绝对没办法想像的程度Boy这是一定的了你可以相信我的爱比永远还要多一点东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲南部的台客 看你跳的正爽西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型因为你不知道你对我意味着什幺三不管地带 看你忙着升旗不管我做什幺脑袋里想的全是你即使和我的爱人在一起我只为你神魂颠倒不管我做什幺脑袋里想的全是你即使和我的爱人在一起你知道我只为你疯狂东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲南部的台客 看你跳的正爽西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型你不知道你对我意味着什幺歌曲鉴赏正如歌曲歌名 , 歌曲展示了一位陷入热恋的女性面对感情禁忌时的宣言以及男主角面临的进退两难的处境 , 是帕蒂·拉贝尔1983年歌曲《Love, Need and Want You》甜蜜直白的补充语 。歌曲像是所处周围环境的音调 , 在某些方面拥有着其他艺术家的作品中所不具备的内容 。这首歌曲以尼力所谱写的歌词和以尼力的风格诉说的故事打动了听众 。整首歌曲以F大调为主 , 节拍设为每分钟84次 。歌曲MV音乐录影带由本尼·伯姆担任导演 , 在美国好莱坞环球影城完成拍摄 。故事设定在一处名为Nellyville的小镇 , 讲述了凯莉·罗兰与她的母亲