杀死比尔整个血腥事件( 二 )

Ascot Elite Entertainment Group [瑞士] (2004) (Switzerland) (theatrical)
Bioscop [捷克] (2004) (Czech Republic) (theatrical)
Buena Vista International Italia [义大利] (2004) (Italy) (theatrical)
博伟国际 [阿根廷] (2004) (Argentina) (theatrical)
Buena Vista International (Germany) GmbH [德国] (2004) (Germany) (theatrical)
Buena Vista International UK [英国] (2004) (UK) (theatrical)
Columbia TriStar Films AB [瑞典] (2004) (Sweden) (theatrical)
GAGA Communications [日本] (2004) (Japan) (theatrical)
Golden Village [新加坡] (2004) (Singapore) (theatrical)
Humax Pictures Inc. [日本] (2004) (Japan) (theatrical)
泛亚影业有限公司 [中国香港] (2004) (Hong Kong) (theatrical)
腾达国际娱乐股份有限公司 [中国台湾] (2004) (Taiwan) (theatrical)
RCV Film Distribution (2004) (Belgium) (theatrical)
RCV Film Distribution (2004) (Luxembourg) (theatrical)
RCV Film Distribution [荷兰] (2004) (Netherlands) (theatrical)
TFM Distribution [法国] (2004) (France) (theatrical)
Alliance Atlantis Home Video [加拿大] (2004) (Canada) (DVD)
Buena Vista Home Entertainment [英国] (2008) (UK) (DVD) (Blu-ray)
Gativideo [阿根廷] (2004) (Argentina) (DVD)/(2004) (Argentina) (VHS)
Hollydan Works (2007-2008) (Yugoslavia) (DVD)
Imagem Filmes [巴西] (2005) (Brazil) (DVD)/(2005) (Brazil) (VHS)
Miramax Home Entertainment [美国] (2004) (USA) (DVD) (VHS)/(2008) (USA) (DVD) (Blu-ray)
Nordisk Film [瑞典] (2004) (Sweden) (DVD)/(2009) (Sweden) (DVD) (Blu-ray)/(2005) (Sweden) (DVD) (UMD)
RCV Home Entertainment (2004) (Netherlands) (DVD) (VHS)/(2009) (Netherlands) (DVD) (Blu-ray)
RTL Entertainment (2006) (Netherlands) (TV) (broadcast premiere) (RTL5)
Starz! Network [美国] (2004) (USA) (TV)

    K.N.B. Effects Group [美国] (special makeup effects)
    先涛数码特技有限公司 [中国香港] (visual effects)
    Technicolor Digital Intermediates [美国] (opticals)
    Pacific Title [美国] (opticals)
    A Band Apart [美国] soundtrack published by
    Atlantic Cine Equipment [美国]
    Behind the Scenes Freight [美国] shipping by
    Chapman and Leonard Studio Equipment cranes and dollies
    Direct Tools & Fasteners expendables
    Dsire Design official website design
    Maverick Records [美国] soundtrack published by
    Pacific Title [美国] titles and opticals
    Panavision, Dallas [美国] camera equipment
    RPM Group promotion and marketing
    Reel Security production security
    Rich King Casting [美国] extras casting
    Sessions Payroll Management Inc. [美国] extras payroll services
    Soundelux [美国] post-production sound services
    Technicolor Digital Intermediates [美国] digital intermediate
    Todd-AO Studios (West) [美国] sound editing
    WMG Soundtracks [美国] soundtrack published by