无微不至【无微不至】无微不至,无论如何细微,都能周全照应 。极言细微之至 。语出 宋 魏了翁 《辞免督视军马乞以参赞军事从丞相行奏札》:“臣窃念主忧臣辱,义不得辞,跼蹐受命,退而差辟官吏、条列事目、调遣将士,凡所以为速发之计者,靡微不周 。”谓没有一个细小的地方不考虑周到 。清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋灯录三集·补骗子》:“﹝ 倪某 ﹞住旅寓有时矣,迫切钻营,无微不至 。”
外文名:Considerate right down to the most trivial detail
拼音:wú wēi bú zhì
解释成语:无微不至无:没有;微:细微;至:到 。没有一处细微的地方照顾不到 。形容关怀、照顾得非常细心周到 。出处还是在剑波十八岁的时候,要到战斗部队去,姐姐对这将要离开自己的弟弟,照顾得~ 。◎曲波《林海雪原》一徐海东《奠基礼》:“主席对战士那种无微不至的关怀,深入细緻的作风,给我留下了难忘的印象 。”老师对我无微不至的照顾,让我难忘 。近义词体贴入微 关怀备至 。反义词置之不理 漠不关心 掉头不顾,语法紧缩式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义汉语拼音:wú wēi bù zhì英文解释:Meticulously ; in every possible way中文解释:微:细小 。至:到 。没有一处细小的地方达不到 。比喻待人细心周到,体贴入微 。褒义 。【例句】:幼稚园的老师无微不至地照顾小朋友们 。【辨析】:无微不至,无所不至,都含有“无不触及到”的意思,但大有区别:无微不至形容处事待人非常周到细心;无所不至的第一义形容活动範围极其广泛,第二义形容坏事做尽,与无微不至的意义大相逕庭 。这两个成语不能换用英文解释简明释义considerate right down to the most trivial detail;lavish every care on;in every possible way;meticulously;例句
- 我们除了把优质的产品呈献给您,更以无微不至的服务解决您的后顾之忧 。We look to the quality of the product that was presented to you, but also to the service in every possible way to solve yourworries.
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结论:因人而异对晚期癌症患者提供无微不至的临终关怀,使其安宁的走完人生的最后路程 。Conclusion: varies on patients with advanced cancer hospice in every possible way to make peace through life's finaljourney.
事实上,我们艺妓都在女僕们无微不至地娇养下,自己都不会照顾自己的生活 。In fact, we all geisha pampered in every possible way the maids, the will not take care of their own lives.
gtsky是业界第一个提出车辆spa理念,为所有到店车主带来无微不至车身服务 。Gtsky is first to have the concept of vehicle spa in the industry, to provide customers body shop service in every possibleway.
最后首席长老称颂委员会的辛勤,执行了整年的无微不至的观察.Finally the chief elder paid tribute to the hard work of her committee, which had performed the observations someticulously all year.
中国的医疗制度,只能无微不至地确保高级干部长寿再长寿,无法适应老百姓(特别是农村居民)的治病要求 。China's health care system is only capable of meticulously and carefully extending the lives of the highest level of leadersand government ministers. It cannot adjust itself to the health care needs of ordinary people, least of all china's ruralresidents.
恪守"从管理要素质,从素质守信誉,从信誉赢客户,从服务创效益"的方针,团结一心,奋力拚搏,竭诚尽力,无微不至,客户至上,追求完美,达到满意 。Scrupulously abide by "from management to quality, reputation, from quality from credit wins the customer benefit fromservice, a policy of", unite, striving, sincerely trying, meticulously, customer supreme, the pursue is perfect, achievesatisfaction.